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Home page General discussion > posts visibility search engines Permanent link to this page
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posts visibility search engines
16 May 2007 07:03
Anonymous hi, hello from a brand new tester. I haven't just stumbled, i've looked hard for a solution to meet my requirements! I won't bore you with the details.
drake is up and running and looking good to me at first impression, including speed.

Coul dwe talk about visibility of posts, in archive and current, to search engines?
Are they, and how?
Is there mod-rewrite, or something else, capability for titles do display meaningful titles as the url?
Re : posts visibility search engines
16 May 2007 12:21
Anonymous Hi.

Thanks for the interest..

I knew I should have waited for Daniele.

We hope what is here now will still be of use. Drake CMS will certainly develop as it continues to grow and evolve.

Thanks Again
Re : posts visibility search engines
16 May 2007 16:48
Anonymous Quote:

hi, hello from a brand new tester. I haven't just stumbled, i've looked hard for a solution to meet my requirements! I won't bore you with the details.
drake is up and running and looking good to me at first impression, including speed.

Welcome sunsparkler, we always listen to user requests (this CMS is built for you) and we will file a new feature request on the tracker if the improvements you ask for are not already in the tracker and if they are consistent with our agenda and philosophy.


Coul dwe talk about visibility of posts, in archive and current, to search engines?
Are they, and how?

The forum component is really young and inherits some weaknesses of the old codebase too; currently, RSS is not implemented and this is the biggest weakness in my opinion.

All forum component pages will correctly set the keywords and description of the response, applying only bad words sanitization (if active). An alternate view (content-only) will also be available in future releases (please keep en eye on them).

RSS integration, alternate view, CAPTCHA protection, spam filtering and integration with the google and dynamic sitemaps are features that will unfortunately be present during the v0.5.x/v0.6.x development cycle; that's due to our slow but steady roadmap. Anyway, our performance will not be affected by our features additions, and that's why we will need so much time to implement them.


Is there mod-rewrite, or something else, capability for titles do display meaningful titles as the url?

Users have successfully used apache extensions to parse the URL postfix that Drake CMS regularly adds to all the context-sensitive URLs; also the forums do have a (maybe ugly) postfix (see part after &/) in the form of

.../index.php?option=forum&task=viewpost&catid=1&po st_id=1&Itemid=52&/Welcome-to-Drake-CMS

We use this weak SEF postfix because it is the only one which works with any webserver.
If you have suggestions, please tell us.

You might also be interested in reading this old forum topic Open SEF component (the title is a bit offtopic)
Re : posts visibility search engines
16 May 2007 19:50
Anonymous thanks. very informative