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Home page General discussion > Why Drake? My story to find Permanent link to this page
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Why Drake? My story to find
31 May 2007 08:10
Anonymous I've chosen Drake after testing more than 30 CMS apps (including wiki's) on localhost and after a test of 5 finalist over remote host to watch over real conditions.

I've checked several sources over internet about CMS's and they pay my attention to the most important topics.

* Backup and Restore operations
Mostly end with a unstable CMS, character problems for non english lang and persistence of CMS's for not to "import" A lots of sites died with their all labours that way.

* System resource usage
It's very important for people like me who wants to host tons of same CMS's over one host. Or important for people who dosent want to be kicked out by hosting company (heard some, funny smile)

* Last... Database crashes or database query problems on overheads

So seems it's better to use a one without a need for 3.party database support. (for folder based backup)
Check out the forums for crying people for their lost of all site cos of MySql related matters for non english languages smile(note: MySql works fine till to the date you want to restore a backup back)

Then I started to seek for CMS's with flat file storage. I find many many of them all together in one site.

Click For CMS Matrix

Type flat to the database and then select other criterias of you like WYSIWYG, Online Administraton, UTF8, etc.

Just keep going to narrow your criterias till you will have a comprasion chart that can fit to screen.

And test all challengers one by one (if you are enough patient like me)

That way and the tests will take you to Drake like me...

Re : Why Drake? My story to find
31 May 2007 18:59
Anonymous Very interesting! Thank you for all your feedback!

I have tried many times to contact the administrators of CMSmatrix but with no luck...so we cannot update our listing there (now Drake CMS has more features).

Consider also that Drake CMS is Beta and is anyway working reasonably, when it will be Stable we will really see how good it is smile
Re : Why Drake? My story to find
31 May 2007 23:27
Anonymous Quote:

I have tried many times to contact the administrators of CMSmatrix but with no luck...so we cannot update our listing there (now Drake CMS has more features).

I've noticed that also. Drake is in better that they index but with one absent thing (that I saw cos important to me) which is important.

There is two criterias
Online administration (cant live without that)
Inline administration (thats also perfect for a dynamic site. In fact more than perfect)

But Drake and most of other listed CMS's (even joomla) considered as inline administrative dosent have this feature.

But this feature is (I belive) the most important piece of functions that defines a fast and easy editing CMS.

But there is a perfect (means easier to code) way to overcome this. The model of creating a shortcut (I'm sure you know it)

When administrator logins, small buttons (eg called as EDIT) like print or email buttons appear on contents (not menus) of site. When you click on these buttons it takes you directly to the management page of the related content. So you dont have to make 3 - 5 clicks or confusions for a beginner like me, and wait for all these pages to load for editing.

Or even they can open the WYSIWYG editor over content (you can try a perfect sample of it in ** here ** When logged in click the "turn on admin" button to see.

Nice but not flat db. But Drake may catch this.

It needs a database of direct addresses of contents edit menus in admin panel, and embedd it to their edit buttons.

Can it be possible on Drake?