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Home page General discussion > Tutorial on creating/managing menus Permanent link to this page
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Tutorial on creating/managing menus
02 August 2007 09:10
Anonymous L.S.

A simple way to improve the usability of DrakeCMS would be a tutorial on creating new and managing the existing menus.
I've read the FAQ on this, but a tutorial with some screenshots and a more in depth explanation would help (me blush) definately.

Arno Rog
Re: Tutorial on creating/managing menus
03 August 2007 09:04
Anonymous Hi Arno

No problems, it is one of the planned things that is on hold until development is complete on the core.

There have been many changes as you would have seen over the last few months..

When the likely hood of further changes has passed this and other tutes will be prepared and published...

Is there a particular issue we amy be able to help out with now?

Re: Tutorial on creating/managing menus
06 August 2007 14:09
Anonymous The manual (which is being written during these days) will include such informations; we can, anyway, provide a tutorial before the release of the manual
Re: Tutorial on creating/managing menus
22 August 2007 12:39
Anonymous L.S.

I was thinking about my 'old' CMS, which suits very well what I am looking for: a structured way of arranging/grouping the menu.
Have a look at here here, then you will see what I mean.

Kind regards and keep up the good work!!

Arno Rog