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Home page General discussion > Private Message system? Permanent link to this page
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Private Message system?
15 September 2007 11:16
Anonymous Hi,

I have got a suggstion:
I would be interested in a private message system, whwere I can send messages to other users of my drake system.

For example, I have an admin who helps me with drake and I want to contact him, so It would be cool to do this with drake.
This should be independent of the forum feature.

What do you think about?

Re: Private Message system?
15 September 2007 11:58
Anonymous Hi

Good idea, there was an old Limbo Private Messaging module/component that could form a start point. Or. somone may want to start from scratch...

Feature Request perhaps?..

Re: Private Message system?
18 September 2007 21:45
Anonymous Quote:
Good idea, there was an old Limbo Private Messaging module/component that could form a start point. Or. somone may want to start from scratch...

Thanks for this information.
I may learn something from study the code.

Here is download page, with 2 versions of Private Message Systemcomponent for Limbo CMS:
Download PM system component

- PrivMSG 2.0 ( Apr 2006 ) 78kB
- PrivMSG 1.1 ( Febr 2006 ) 14kB

/regard, phpmaster
Re: Private Message system?
19 September 2007 02:17
Anonymous Hi phpmaster

Hope it goes well, keep us posted how you go, it would make a very useful addon...

I am afraid my expertise with php stops at the tesing stage..:(

Good Luck
Re: Private Message system?
19 September 2007 11:39
Anonymous Quote:

Good idea, there was an old Limbo Private Messaging module/component that could form a start point. Or. somone may want to start from scratch...

Thanks for this information.
I may learn something from study the code.

Here is download page, with 2 versions of Private Message Systemcomponent for Limbo CMS:
Download PM system component

- PrivMSG 2.0 ( Apr 2006 ) 78kB
- PrivMSG 1.1 ( Febr 2006 ) 14kB

/regard, phpmaster

Great! If you come up with something and/or want SVN write access (if you don't already have, I don't recall) - please tell us! I am interested in any development, we might put it on SVN and later or sooner merge it to the trunk.

I have no specific constraint about the private messaging component (that is of course wanted), I have thought about it a bit in the past and I think that (if possible) it should stand as-is (even without forums) and possibly be integrated in frontend and backend getting merged with the admin backend message component. I don't know if Limbo CMS component was working this way (if I remember correctly, no), but anyway something is better than nothing so if it could be easily converted to Drake CMS we will be glad to help in the process!

Best regards smile
Re: Private Message system?
19 September 2007 18:14
Anonymous Quote:
have no specific constraint about the private messaging component (that is of course wanted), I have thought about it a bit in the past and I think that (if possible) it should stand as-is (even without forums) and possibly be integrated in frontend and backend getting merged with the admin backend message component.

Well, I will be full of expactations.
I already asked myself about the message compnent in the admin backend, does it have a function ? I didn't get it..