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Home page General discussion > "Powered by" logo Permanent link to this page
Author Message:
"Powered by" logo
19 September 2007 09:32
Anonymous Hi,
I created a "powered by' logo in order for people to inculde it in there website.
You can see it at www.gofrancisco.com/images/drake.gif

Let me know if you like it and if you'd like to reuse it.

Re: "Powered by" logo
19 September 2007 09:50
Anonymous Hi

See my reply to your offer of the template...rsavarese is your best point of contact

Thanks for the offer....looks good by the way...

Re: "Powered by" logo
19 September 2007 12:49
Anonymous OK, I contacted rsavarese as you advised.

Re: "Powered by" logo
20 September 2007 16:28
Anonymous The idea is nice - we might redo it with a cleaner Drake image; it could be used in some templates, too.

Let's see what rsavarese thinks about it.