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Hi, is there a checklist avalable as to how to migrate a site.
I tried to migrate my local installation to a live site
just by uploading the content, but I failed.
I am
using Gladius DB, and I am not sure if it needs some
Also, the private/config.php is supect of
getting updated when migraing hence it containes the path of the
There could be other instances that need to be
looked at and updated.
I may have missed this issue in
the docs, but could not not find it.
This has been an
issue with Mambo and Joomla in the beginning until a godd
checlist post on the forum resolved the issue.
Re: Migrating a Drake CMS site
24 November 2007 16:53
Hope to help you, i`m not very sure, i`m completely right -
upload local site to server - CHMOD all the files/folders to
folow your/your users needs (just to test, CHMOD all to 777, then
allow acces as you need) - in admin > global settings
menu, don`t forget to update the new path: from
/localhost/www/drakecms.... to - now
you may need to make some settings also in admin > global
settings menu in order that your website to work corecttly with
the server PS: gladius database is stored in
"private" folder and it must be writable!
Re: Migrating a Drake CMS site
25 November 2007 09:32
Hi docman,
has perfectly explained what you need to do.
I will
also ask stigi, our Documentation Team
Coordinator, to integrate such documentation.
that using the SQL or tarball backup you can migrate the website
whenever you want. The only step to always re-do is to configure
the new website (and that's necessary since servers are usually
different!), hence I suggest to [b]only use a tarball backup[b]
to be restored on a new online installation.
the only supported type of migration.
Re: Migrating a Drake CMS site
25 November 2007 16:31
Thanks for your reply.
I did as you suggested, except
since (as you see below) I could not get to my admin panel , I
adjusted the website URL in line #3 of the config.php, which I
assume is the same thing. (By the way, when I did my first
tarball backup, I did not noticed that I did not set a parameter
right, hence the database did not get backed up. Now if it fixed,
of course).
When I attempt accessing the frontend,
this is the error message I am getting:
[EDIT: error
dump removed by legolas558]
Unnfortunately, I cannot chmos all folders/files 777, because
my system does not allow this to happen. All files upon uploading
get chmoded to 755 automatically. - is 755 sufficient to run
Drake CMS provided the above problem is cured? - if not, is
there a list which folders/files must be chamoded to 755? -
what are the security implication here?
Re: Migrating a Drake CMS site
25 November 2007 21:09
NOTE it is forbidden to post error dumps on the
forums, we have a bug tracker for that. It is explained in the
forum rules
755 is perfectly suitable for Drake
CMS. Drake CMS will tell you about the permissions during
installation. Just install the CMS and NOT
attempt to copy it remotely. That's not how Drake CMS gets
installed, it's written nowhere to do it.
Proceed as
make a tarball backup
with SQL backup option
Drake CMS on the remote host. If you cannot install it remotely,
it will not work - it's obvious
extract the tarball
backup content into Drake CMS directory (remotely)
go in admin backend and restore the database backup SQL
file (it will already be in place)
This is the
correct way to migrate from local to remote
Re: Migrating a Drake CMS site
25 November 2007 23:22
Quote by docman:
for your reply.
I did as you suggested, except since
(as you see below) I could not get to my admin panel , I adjusted
the website URL in line #3 of the config.php, which I assume is
the same thing. (By the way, when I did my first tarball backup,
I did not noticed that I did not set a parameter right, hence the
database did not get backed up. Now if it fixed, of course).
When I attempt accessing the frontend, this is the error
message I am getting:
[EDIT: error dump removed by
Unnfortunately, I cannot
chmos all folders/files 777, because my system does not allow
this to happen. All files upon uploading get chmoded to 755
automatically. - is 755 sufficient to run Drake CMS provided
the above problem is cured? - if not, is there a list which
folders/files must be chamoded to 755? - what are the
security implication here?
Thanks for this checklist.
Actually, I found this explanation with the Tarball BAckup
option quite v ague:
" If you use a flat file
database (like Gladius DB or SQLite) the SQL backup is not
suggested (the database files would be already backed up) Attach SQL database snapshot - YES/NO"
I am not
sure, if in my case (using Gladius DB) is the answer YES or NO?
What does "the database files would be already
backed up" mean? Does it mean that a Tarball Backup backs up
all the folders and files, hence Gladius, too, because it is
really file within one of the folder?
If so, why
should I still backup and the restore the DB with a MySQL option
More questions: - should Gladius DB
installed separately- if it is separate, is it a part of the
installation process of the Drake CMS (de novo, I mean on the
remote site)? - if it is separate, could you give me a link
to the instructions - Remote copying is (one) way of
migrating Joomla + MySQL DB restore, hence was my attempting
Thanks again.
Re: Migrating a Drake CMS site
25 November 2007 23:59
Quote by docman:
for this checklist. What does "the database files would
be already backed up" mean? Does it mean that a Tarball
Backup backs up all the folders and files, hence Gladius, too,
because it is really file within one of the folder?
Th Gladius db is found in the /private/drake is not a single file, when tarball backup is
conducted you are by default including the /private/drake folder
hence the db. When you then extract the tarball to the clean
install you are "restoring" the db files as they were
at the time of the tarball backup.
It is however
recommended to include a SQL backup of the db as part of the
tarball and when you have extracted the tarball you would then
also be able to do restore using the standard SQL backup.
This then will accomplish a safe and simple migration.
Quote by docman:
More questions: - should Gladius DB installed separately-
if it is separate, is it a part of the installation process of
the Drake CMS (de novo, I mean on the remote site)?
See above as to where the Gladius db is
created. It is part of the installation process.
Re: Migrating a Drake CMS site
26 November 2007 00:24
Quote by trex1512:
Quote by docman:
Thanks for this checklist. What does "the database
files would be already backed up" mean? Does it mean that a
Tarball Backup backs up all the folders and files, hence Gladius,
too, because it is really file within one of the folder?
Th Gladius db is found in the /private/drake is not a single file, when tarball backup is
conducted you are by default including the /private/drake folder
hence the db. When you then extract the tarball to the clean
install you are "restoring" the db files as they were
at the time of the tarball backup.
It is however
recommended to include a SQL backup of the db as part of the
tarball and when you have extracted the tarball you would then
also be able to do restore using the standard SQL backup.
This then will accomplish a safe and simple migration.
Quote by docman:
More questions: - should Gladius DB installed separately-
if it is separate, is it a part of the installation process of
the Drake CMS (de novo, I mean on the remote site)?
See above as to where the Gladius db is
created. It is part of the installation process.
Thanks, I will give it another
Incidentally, when creating a clean install I
bump into this:
"Safe mode : Off Off File uploads : On On Magic quotes GPC : Off On Magic quotes Runtime : Off Off Register globals : Off
On Session auto start : Off Off"
I kind
of remember coming across some text on how to fix thes two
settings. Could you help me out?
Re: Migrating a Drake CMS site
26 November 2007 02:15
Quote by docman:
Incidentally, when creating a clean install I bump into
this: "Safe mode : Off Off File uploads :
On On Magic quotes GPC : Off On Magic quotes
Runtime : Off Off Register globals : Off On Session auto start : Off Off" I kind of remember
coming across some text on how to fix thes two settings. Could
you help me out? Thanks
These are
settings in your servers php.ini file..
Drake CMS will
usually still install and operate OK without the recommended
settings, however it is recommended that they be as shown for
security and other reasons...
If you are lucky enough
to have a local server setup you will be able to change them
yourself, otherwise your hosts admin may change them for you, I
wouldn't hold my breath though...
You can also use a a
htaccess file providing your server will allow the rewrite, heres
an old post on a Mambo Forum:
Good luck
Re: Migrating a Drake CMS site
27 November 2007 07:49
Quote by docman:
Actually, I found this explanation with the Tarball BAckup
option quite vague:
" If you use a flat file
database (like Gladius DB or SQLite) the SQL backup is not
suggested (the database files would be already backed up) Attach SQL database snapshot - YES/NO"
I am not
sure, if in my case (using Gladius DB) is the answer YES or NO?
What does "the database files would be already
backed up" mean? Does it mean that a Tarball Backup backs up
all the folders and files, hence Gladius, too, because it is
really file within one of the folder?
If so,
why should I still backup and the restore the DB with a MySQL
option checked?
There is no MySQL option. It is
an "SQL backup" option, and it is not needed since you
are using a flatfile DB.
More questions: - should Gladius DB
installed separately- if it is separate, is it a part of the
installation process of the Drake CMS (de novo, I mean on the
remote site)?
It exists as a separate project
and is embedded in Drake CMS; you will not need to install it
separately. Quote:
- if it is separate, could you give me a link to the
The Gladius DB project is located at, but as I said
above you don't need to install it in Drake CMS because it is
already installed.
Most probably your host does not
allow PHP to write to files, hence the failure when you copied
the Drake CMS with Gladius DB to the remote server.
Apologies for not having been enough clear, however when I was
saying to first install Drake CMS remotely I meant to say: if it
can be installed on the server, then you can migrate to the
server. Drake CMS can of course be installed anywhere, the
problem is that you cannot use a flatfile DB without the relative
permissions; in that case you should use MySQL or any other DBMS
that your host provides you with.
Re: Migrating a Drake CMS site
08 December 2007 18:40
Quote by legolas558:
will also ask stigi, our Documentation Team
Coordinator, to integrate such documentation.
Most likely it will be in separate appendix called