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Home page General discussion > Menu items in exchange of component instances Permanent link to this page
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Menu items in exchange of component instances
13 July 2007 11:04
Anonymous As recently raised by discussion with user catasoft, Drake CMS has currently the necessity of having a component instance in order for that component to be active.

But, as catasoft said, why should we need a menu item if the component is for example a backend logic component?

This logical flaw comes from the fact that the whole Drake CMS structure is Itemid based (a Mambo inheritance), and so menu based. I think that this compromise is affordable because this is a Content Management System, not a development framework (even if we are improving the codebase as much as we can to offer a good development framework inside it).

It would be great to see more discussion on this topic as we are always looking for ways to improve Drake CMS