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Latest Release
15 January 2008 05:29
Anonymous Hi All

The latest release 0.4.10 has to be the most stable of any to date..and fast!!!! boy oh boy sqlite/gladius rip it...MySQL must really fly...

Anyway, just want to acknowledge the hard work of Daniele and others in getting to this point..and yes its just about time for a stable release... Ver ??

Re: Latest Release
15 January 2008 10:10
Anonymous I also think it's the most stable.

And yes, it is probably the last Beta cheerful
Re: Latest Release
17 January 2008 07:18
Anonymous So far so good, it seems you have been more than industrious Daniele, the very small number of reported bugs or issues so far would seem to suggest the first Public stable release is not far away at all.

I would be happy to use this release on a live site.

Looking good....

Re: Latest Release
17 January 2008 13:24
Anonymous Yes, I am very happy about this release too. And allready using it on several Live sites.
Also the backend got some major improvements. And after reading a tip about shutting Magic Quotes off in PHP.ini, it even got a major speed improvement.

At this site: http://radiomeerland.mine.nu this really ment a huge speed difference.

Great work! cool
Re: Latest Release
17 January 2008 14:02
Anonymous Quote by Jonno Burpo:

Yes, I am very happy about this release too. And allready using it on several Live sites.

For the 1st time in the history of Drake CMS, I would also say that this Beta RC6 can be used on live websites smile

And after reading a tip about shutting Magic Quotes off in PHP.ini, it even got a major speed improvement.

I have always suggested people to do that! Glad to see somebody listening to the advice


At this site: http://radiomeerland.mine.nu this really ment a huge speed difference.

It's blazing fast!
Re: Latest Release
17 January 2008 14:03
Anonymous Quote by trex1512:

So far so good, it seems you have been more than industrious Daniele, the very small number of reported bugs or issues so far would seem to suggest the first Public stable release is not far away at all.

I would be happy to use this release on a live site.

Looking good....

Yes Terry, we are almost there. It's only time to pack it up and get on the side aspects of a Stable release smile