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Lanius CMS Progress
10 June 2008 18:20
Anonymous Dear Daniele, please provide us a link with a latest svn zipped, tar or something. I think some of us, not familiar with svn, would like to test one of the latest svn Lanius on their local server.
Thank you.
Re: Lanius CMS Progress
25 June 2008 15:36
Anonymous Hi Adrian,

see these news.

The SVN zip archive service is not yet active because we are not yet ready to collect Lanius CMS bugs, but we will be in a couple of days (see most recent news).

I am sorry for all these delays, but we are almost there now sad
Re: Lanius CMS Progress
27 June 2008 08:32
Anonymous Quote by adrian:

Dear Daniele, please provide us a link with a latest svn zipped, tar or something. I think some of us, not familiar with svn, would like to test one of the latest svn Lanius on their local server.
Thank you.

Hi Adrian,

the SVN tarball snapshot service is currently active, but not yet released to public.

The access URL is:


Please do not post bugs right now because the issue tracker is not yet open to public, please wait for 4 July

Re: Lanius CMS Progress
27 June 2008 10:17
Anonymous Daniele,
It looks totaly great as with the frontpage. Fresh, simple, sexy, very usable, new design. I see some administrative changes (i just installed Lanius, 2 minutes ago).
O yes, i cannot wait to see the first stable version alive, but before i would like to make a review and to contribute my artwork and minor code change for the admin design. Just tell me, us, which is the targeted prerelease (the last Release Candidate).
Thanks, Adrian.
Re: Lanius CMS Progress
29 June 2008 08:00
Anonymous Quote by adrian:

It looks totaly great as with the frontpage. Fresh, simple, sexy, very usable, new design. I see some administrative changes (i just installed Lanius, 2 minutes ago).
O yes, i cannot wait to see the first stable version alive, but before i would like to make a review and to contribute my artwork and minor code change for the admin design. Just tell me, us, which is the targeted prerelease (the last Release Candidate).
Thanks, Adrian.

Hi Adrian,

I am glad you (and possibly other users too) like and/or will like the changes we made. The graphical work is all merit of rsavarese which has worked hard these days, behind the curtains. Also, he always works on new templates and modifies the alraedy estabilished ones to make improvements. I hope some other users will follow him as he has a lot of experience to share.

To answer your question: there are no yet official news about the next release, but we plan to release 0.5.0 in a week or two after the website launch, so you can start right after that to make your review.

Keep updated and tell us about your suggested improvements! smile