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Home page General discussion > Is Drake CMS getting more stable? Permanent link to this page
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Is Drake CMS getting more stable?
13 November 2007 11:45
Anonymous Quote by legolas558:

Is Drake CMS getting more stable?

I would like to know your feelings about the RC versions of Drake CMS.
Our goal is to improve stability - are we reaching this goal?

Please be as much critic as you can.

The next Drake CMS release (Bronze Dragon) could be one of the most usable and bugfree as most of the UI bugs have been addressed.

As you have probably noticed, the CMS is not really changing in the most recent releases - only bugfixes and small additions. We are working on consistency under all aspects of design.

Thank you
Re: Is Drake CMS getting more stable?
13 November 2007 18:20
Anonymous Drake CMS is getting better. Definitely!
I begun using it since 044. FOr example articles "Comment" was not a working function until 046. But i waited paciently. I understand that we have a little team. I cannot go back to Joomla now, as i also begun to create my tech site using Drake. 048RC4 seems to be the most stabe and usable ever (but lattely i saw it has some little DB and Forum issues). 047RC2 or RC3 was released without testing it (in admin panel, the "Create a new page or article was not working -- so at that time i told myself, that Drake CMS devs have big problems... whistling).
From about 6 weeks i'm always watching the developers area stats, and lately i see more activity, more devs username acting, thats nice!).
Daniele, I would like to tell you to post on the home page big bug issues found betweend releases and resolved, as we don`t read alwyays all the forum discutions).
Also, I/we would like to know how big can a site be based on gladius db vs. mysql until it crashes -- number of posts, coments, users etc. -- as some of us dream about using Drake CMS for a portal.
I`ll come back, as i remember what i have to say. Thanks.
Re: Is Drake CMS getting more stable?
13 November 2007 20:50
Anonymous Quote by adrian:

047RC2 or RC3 was released without testing it (in admin panel, the "Create a new page or article was not working -- so at that time i told myself, that Drake CMS devs have big problems... whistling).

True. And we do not always test everything as bugs do happen even in the most unusual places...luckly our testers are real hunters and do find them quickly, although sometimes the too much high development rate does not allow them to fully debug Drake CMS before releases

Daniele, I would like to tell you to post on the home page big bug issues found betweend releases and resolved, as we don`t read alwyays all the forum discutions).

We once had a changelog, now we are just exposing the SVN changelog...I hope we will restore the written changelog one day


Also, I/we would like to know how big can a site be based on gladius db vs. mysql until it crashes -- number of posts, coments, users etc. -- as some of us dream about using Drake CMS for a portal.

I don't yet know but I assume it can be really very big; I suppose that Gladius DB pushes PHP to use more memory vs MySQL so if you do not have a memory limit of 8MB you could theorically store up to 2/3 or 1/2 of your memory in the Gladius DB columns. Some benchmarks could be useful too
Re: Is Drake CMS getting more stable?
15 November 2007 20:58
Anonymous Daniele, i`m drunk right now. So let me tell you how do i see right now Drake CMS. I believed that implementing new features is right, before the final first stable release. But. From now on it is not. I tested some of the svn testing versions and, new features means new general bugs... I'm not a project manager, but i think that, at this moment, Drake CMS as speaking of basic features is the most advanced on the "market". I think that`s a better idea to freez it NOW!. And making it work correctly! In every sense. If we (YOU... i don`t know about php, css etc. very much) don`t make it completely and correctly functional NOW!, next year some of us will think about moving to other CMS'S (Gruppy for those wanting flat file db, Joomla 1.5 for MySQL, e107, php-fusion 7 etc.).
???? Am I 1% right? Di mi!
Re: Is Drake CMS getting more stable?
16 November 2007 11:52
Anonymous Quote by adrian:

I think that`s a better idea to freez it NOW!

I agree! The CMS is considered "frozen" since RC1, the problem is that some features are not really features but API-level fixing, which creates new features... dizzy

The idea is to remove all inconstistencies before the Stable release, so that the CMS is no more a "moving target" for developers and still is perfectly clean in its API

Edit: About the SVN version: the trunk does not have to be perfectly stable, some bugfixes and improvements can create new bugs of course - our testers are there for this.
The released version has to be free from that. You cannot pretend that the SVN trunk is perfectly bugfree, that's not the purpose of an SVN repository
Re: Is Drake CMS getting more stable?
17 November 2007 12:11
Anonymous I think Drake is really stable, ok, there are some things, that do not work (glide through the local folders, when adding a pic or sth. like this)

If these things are fixed, it is absolutely stable, I think.

There must be a standard, for all addons etc, so that they all work correctly with the "final" drake version.

Re: Is Drake CMS getting more stable?
19 November 2007 10:55
Anonymous Quote by Siedlerchr:

There must be a standard, for all addons etc, so that they all work correctly with the "final" drake version.

There is a standard! It is partially documented in the official documentation - as it is not yet finished - but it is indeed consistent and very extensible smile