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Gladius database
25 October 2007 08:45
Anonymous L.S.

I noticed that during a fresh install the default database has changed form Gladius to (in my case) MySQL.

Does this mean that, in the opinion of the developers, MySQL is the preferred database engine for DrakeCMS?
Will you be supporting the Gladius (or another flat-file) database in the future?

I hope one of the developers can shed some light on this matter.

Re: Gladius database
25 October 2007 13:17
Anonymous Quote:
Does this mean that, in the opinion of the developers, MySQL is the preferred database engine for DrakeCMS?

If we did we would say so..there is no prefered as such, its what you prefer or what your webhost will allow.

Will you be supporting the Gladius (or another flat-file) database in the future?

Of course, Gladius is Drake CMS...if you only knew how many hours have been put into the development of Gladius you would not have asked

Re: Gladius database
25 October 2007 13:56
Anonymous Thanks for your reply.

I do know the efforts for the Gladius database. It could very well be used for other purposes on low-end systems. I always try to convince php programmers who are using some sort of data-base to use gladius instead of a plain ordinary ascii file.

Glad to see you will be using gladius in the future, that way I can recommend Drakecms wholeheartedly to others.

Re: Gladius database
25 October 2007 16:37
Anonymous Gladius DB will always be supported and I also plan to let it emerge from the dust as a more separate and definite project.

If you think about it, it is a complete DBMS and could be used instead of custom flatfile databases preserving the SQL92 standard; that's why it is so handy, as you pointed out.

The order of DBMSes changed because - even if I spent months developing Gladius DB for Drake CMS (and for everybody, of course) - I still suggest the usage of a real DBMS when available.

The current order of DBMSes is from the most efficient to the least efficient (roughly, since I have never tested databases except MySQL, SQLite and Gladius DB ).

With this change I only intend to say "if you can, get a good DBMS, otherwise use Gladius DB".
I am not saying that Gladius DB is not well-programmed or not efficient, because (considering the really few bugs we had with it) I consider it a little jewel and I am wondering how I could write it.
I am just saying that since it uses flat files it will never reach the performance of other DBMSes (on the average use).

Thanks for the nice words, and keep help us at spreading Drake CMS and Gladius DB as free open source products! smile