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Home page General discussion > Gallery improvements Permanent link to this page
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Gallery improvements
19 June 2007 20:43
Anonymous It would be nice if gallery pictures can be on user defined folder besides default one.
Re : Gallery improvements
20 June 2007 03:58
Anonymous Hi

If just for a small number of users you could make subsites and use the Gallery there.

Don't know how useful that would be though..

Re: Gallery improvements
23 June 2007 20:04
Anonymous Quote:

It would be nice if gallery pictures can be on user defined folder besides default one.

You mean under a different path rather than images/gallery ?

You can submit the feature request, and we might evaluate it for future improvements
Re : Re: Gallery improvements
25 June 2007 23:15
Anonymous Yes, i mean it right that. It is not crucial though but would be nice if it can be done. The path to gallery would than be changeable if one want to choose a different path than default one which now is images/gallery...
Re: Re : Re: Gallery improvements
26 June 2007 10:58
Anonymous It might actually be possible to use a component parameter for this, but it has to be evaluated.

Can you state what are the pros of having a custom path for galleries?

Re: Re : Re: Gallery improvements
04 July 2007 22:42
Anonymous I have a gallery under PHPWebGallery. It is in /pwg/galleries/... folder, If i want to set a gallery in my future drake CMS, i have to delete all photos in PWG,
then upload it again into /drakegallery/... folder.

But, if it can be hacked in component code, than it is not a big deal, i would just do it...
Re: Re : Re: Gallery improvements
05 July 2007 02:29
Anonymous You can already upload a folder (or move it) into /images/gallery/ and then use the wizard to automatically create a category (and associate all elements) for it.
Re: Gallery improvements
29 July 2007 21:11
Anonymous If I could make another improvement suggestion, it would be nice if you could upload multiple images simultaneously. Doing it 1 by 1 is tedious.
Re: Gallery improvements
30 July 2007 07:30
Anonymous You can already upload 5 of them at once, use the Wizard! ermm