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Home page General discussion > Forum component Permanent link to this page
Author Message:
Forum component
11 May 2007 14:34
Anonymous Hello all

I installed drake today cause i needed a fast forum... but i was surprised to see that
1) there's no way to filter messages (that is have like a mess queue and allow or disallow messages to be displayed to the public) or access messages from the forum (in the backend that is)... once added, only by means of mysql can i delete/unpublish certain posts?

2) the forum post editor is a bit simplistic... isn't there a way to use maybe tiny_mce instead?

thanks in advance...

Re : Forum component
14 May 2007 10:36
Anonymous The inbuilt forum has been left as simple as possible and with enough functionality to still be useful and importantly secure.

If you want to run a full featured forum it would be better to run something like phpBB as an external item or in a wrapper...Somewhere in the future there may be significant improvements, post a feature request at SourceForge if you like.

Getting everything stable for the first release is the prioroty at the moment, then work on components and addons will come...

Thanks for your input....
Re : Forum component
16 May 2007 00:02
Anonymous Quote:

Hello all

I installed drake today cause i needed a fast forum... but i was surprised to see that
1) there's no way to filter messages (that is have like a mess queue and allow or disallow messages to be displayed to the public) or access messages from the forum (in the backend that is)... once added, only by means of mysql can i delete/unpublish certain posts?

No they can be deleted from the frontend when accessing as a moderator or as an user with an enough high access group (admins can edit everything, for example).

More features are planned in future development to allow thread moving and filtering, but nothing too much big.


2) the forum post editor is a bit simplistic... isn't there a way to use maybe tiny_mce instead?

The forum currently uses BB code internally, I dont know about WYSIWYG BB editors (even if I agree that the current editor should be improved for each browser's selection API and other UI improvements) and I haven't yet eveluated the possibility of allowing HTML in our forum posts - but I am generally against (too many issues might arise)


thanks in advance...


Many thanks to you for helping at improving Drake CMS with your requests (we never let them fall apart and always consider users' feedback), I hope you will continue to give us your feedback.

Re : Forum component
26 May 2007 18:10
Anonymous It would be a great invention to see, who is onlnie in the forum.
e.g. I look at this forum here and see that the admin is online and that he might post a reply... smile

And there is another thing that me confused a bit:
When I look in my mailbox, I see that there are replys, but why are there different senders?

Re : Forum component
26 May 2007 21:49
Anonymous Quote:


i was surprised to see that
1) there's no way to filter messages (that is have like a mess queue and allow or disallow messages to be displayed to the public) or access messages from the forum (in the backend that is)... once added, only by means of mysql can i delete/unpublish certain posts?

2) the forum post editor is a bit simplistic... isn't there a way to use maybe tiny_mce instead?

I have suggested use of punBB excellent and fater than phpBB Forum software
at this website. See another topic!

A forum software that does not recognize
as being a link URL
is not what users want
( users expect a cetain standard - what they are used to = User Friendly softwares )

to use BETA versions of anything
at official support websites
is not, in my opinion,
what you should do!

It is = bad advertising for your code.

Until your own CMS / forum is MATURE
you should use other good software at a site like this.

Good examples is:
- Use MediaWiki for development issues
- Use very fast punBB forum ( or if you want fully featured: use SMF Simple Machines forum )
- Use Mambo or any other nice CMS Portal
... but for DEMO of your own CMS, use a simple Link in Menu

Good thing with SMF forum
is that is supports the bbcode 'php code tag'
with colored highlighting!

for example:
See my own older versions SMF forum here ( at my personal webserver ):

PHP Scripts Forum - Directory Viewer php script

phpMaster - knows a bit of what he is talking about - by many years experience of PHP

If you would need a tutorial how to make your own custom BBcode tags -
check out this tutorial:
Very good!

Another issue, regarding Web Standard, forums or not:

please learn howto UNDERLINE links
It is plain stupid, not to do this ....
Re : Forum component
27 May 2007 00:22
Anonymous Quote:

to use BETA versions of anything
at official support websites
is not, in my opinion,
what you should do!

It is = bad advertising for your code.

Until your own CMS / forum is MATURE
you should use other good software at a site like this.

We have had major troubles with the previous official websites which lead us to this new official website; it's not the final solution, but it is a solution... sad

Good examples is:
- Use MediaWiki for development issues
- Use very fast punBB forum ( or if you want fully featured: use SMF Simple Machines forum )
- Use Mambo or any other nice CMS Portal
... but for DEMO of your own CMS, use a simple Link in Menu

Eheh, I would also have done that way, but I am not the only one which makes choices in this project! We (project admins) agreed that Drake CMS could bear a real users community. It has shown weaknesses, but we are working hard at improving it examining the users' feedback; telling us to shut it down and replace it with another CMS won't help the CMS development - yes, I know this is not a good policy and that it will annoy our own users, maybe we will have to rethink some choices.


Good thing with SMF forum
is that is supports the bbcode 'php code tag'
with colored highlighting!

Our forums will also have pluggable syntax highlighting for the code tag.


Another issue, regarding Web Standard, forums or not:

please learn howto UNDERLINE links
It is plain stupid, not to do this ....

That's due to an issue with the templates' CSS (and with browser cross-compatibility too): reading our roadmap you can see that we are working on the CSS for v0.4.3. We can't simply underline all the links because - we tried - and the menu look bad.
Re : Forum component
27 May 2007 17:04
Anonymous Quote:

It would be a great invention to see, who is onlnie in the forum.
e.g. I look at this forum here and see that the admin is online and that he might post a reply... smile

Uhm..can you submit a feature request here?


And there is another thing that me confused a bit:
When I look in my mailbox, I see that there are replys, but why are there different senders?

There are actually 4 different senders:
  • legolas558 :A:T: users.sourceforge.net

  • trex1512 :A:T: users.sourceforge.net

  • dkbot :A:T: users.sourceforge.net

  • drakecms :A:T: users.sourceforge.net

You can check that these are official Drake CMS project members here:

Since the PHP mail() function is disabled on the SF.net hosts, I have instead created a mailing queue system that is polled by a periodical script run from the server (not through users' page visits requests).

We cannot allow one single user impersonation to send all the emails traffic, it would break SF.net rules.

So this issue most probably won't fix... ermm
Re : Forum component
29 May 2007 17:59
Anonymous Ah, ok, I understand, I was just a bit confused, when I saw different senders...

That is no problem for me...

Ok, I will post a feature request..

Re : Forum component
30 May 2007 17:48
Anonymous Hello catasoft

I think we have to remember that the general Drake genre is perhaps aimed at the the "Fast and Lite" type of cms system. To add some of extra features that we all enjoy from the larger Forum systems may be too much to ask.

I think the forums just fine as it is, fast, furious and lite. I am testing Drake here. if you want to take look.
Testing Drake Click here for a look.
