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Home page General discussion > First upgrade impessions v0.4.6 Permanent link to this page
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First upgrade impessions v0.4.6
13 September 2007 17:29
Anonymous First of all - THANK YOU DRAKE TEAM for this CMS!!

... and here my experiences:
The upgrade process fron v0.4.5 was very smooth without any errors an all the website content showed as expected. But while walking through the admin area looking for all the new features, i stumbled accross some issues.

1) It is no longer possible to delete menus under 'Menu -> Add/Edit Menus'.

2) After restoring my database backup there was no more 'mod_wrapper' item under 'Modules -> Manage module instances -> New'. Before the database backup the 'mod_wrapper' item was there.

3) There always occurs an error when restoring a v0.4.6-database backup:
SQL syntax error in command INSERT at offset 668 /,'','',0,0/

Perhaps more to come ...
Re: First upgrade impessions v0.4.6
13 September 2007 18:19
Anonymous Quote:

First of all - THANK YOU DRAKE TEAM for this CMS!!

I am proud of this Team, we are making real progresses!
In the name of the Team I can say: thanks to you for trying it! smile

... and here my experiences:
The upgrade process from v0.4.5 was very smooth without any errors an all the website content showed as expected. But while walking through the admin area looking for all the new features, i stumbled accross some issues.

1) It is no longer possible to delete menus under 'Menu -> Add/Edit Menus'.

Ooops..a bug. It will be fixed in RC2


2) After restoring my database backup there was no more 'mod_wrapper' item under 'Modules -> Manage module instances -> New'. Before the database backup the 'mod_wrapper' item was there.

This is another bug...you will have back the feature in RC2, or else you could manually insert the missing reference from System -> Database -> Query:


INSERT INTO dk_modules (title,message,ordering,position,module,access,showtitle,showon,p arams,iscore)
VALUES ('Wrapper module','',25,'left','mod_wrapper',9,0,'','',1)


3) There always occurs an error when restoring a v0.4.6-database backup:
SQL syntax error in command INSERT at offset 668 /,'','',0,0/

Perhaps more to come ...

Can you please find that line and report us via the bug tracker?

Thank you very much! cheerful
Re: First upgrade impessions v0.4.6
13 September 2007 18:38
Anonymous Hi legolas,

INSERT INTO dk_modules (title,message,ordering,position,module,access,showtitle,showon,p arams,iscore)
VALUES ('Wrapper module','',25,'left','mod_wrapper',9,0,'','',1)

This helped - thanks!

Can you please find that line and report us via the bug tracker?

Where should i start my search for this line (cms-file, database-file ???) - i have really no idea.
Re: First upgrade impessions v0.4.6
13 September 2007 19:00
Anonymous Quote:

Can you please find that line and report us via the bug tracker?

Where should i start my search for this line (cms-file, database-file ???) - i have really no idea.

Open your 0.4.5 database backup file and look for the string
(exactly as written by the error message)
Re: First upgrade impessions v0.4.6
13 September 2007 19:26
Anonymous Ah, thanks - here is the bad line:

VALUES (77,'Current events','Current events','Welcome to the demo website installed by default with Drake CMS.<br />Begin customizing your brand new Drake CMS using the <a href="admin.php">admin backend</a>, where you will be able to modify this message accessing <a href="admin.php?com_option=newsflash">Components -&gt; Newsflash</a> and editing <a href="admin.php?com_option=newsflash&amp;task=edit&a mp;cid[]=1">this item</a>','',1,255,64,1189613685,1189613685,1,'admin',1,0,, '','',0,0);
Re: First upgrade impessions v0.4.6
13 September 2007 20:24
Anonymous Quote:

...1189613685,1189613685,1,'admin',1,0,0,'','' ,0,0);

Add the zero (bold in above quote) to fix the issue and reimport the fixed SQL backup
Re: First upgrade impessions v0.4.6
13 September 2007 21:07
Anonymous Worked like a charm:

Operation status
100% complete, 0 total errors in 325 executed queries

Your support ist really superb! smile
Re: First upgrade impessions v0.4.6
18 September 2007 22:30
Anonymous Quote:

Worked like a charm:
Your support ist really superb! smile

I read forum every now and then.
I have time after time seen users get help quickly and precise.

This, to me, tells that these Authors of Drake knows their code very well.
In most details.
smileImpresssing smile

Regards, phpmaster
Re: First upgrade impessions v0.4.6
19 September 2007 02:26
Anonymous Thank you...

The bulk of the work is being done by a very small team.

With having to earn a living and/or study requirements as well, they have been performing miracles...yay team. cheerful

The Testing regime is also picking up so the general dev pace is quickening.

Everyone who has hung on are going to be very happy with what Drake CMS can deliver.

Re: First upgrade impessions v0.4.6
19 September 2007 11:35
Anonymous Quote:

The Testing regime is also picking up so the general dev pace is quickening.

A developer is always happy when he has bugs to fix smile
Well..that's not really how it works, but gives the idea laughing

Thank you phpmaster, compuneur and trex1512 - I am proud of Drake CMS and want you all be too, because this CMS is mostly for you! smile