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Home page General discussion > Feature reqs. for database-management Permanent link to this page
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Feature reqs. for database-management
17 September 2007 11:05
Anonymous L.S.

Compliments for the work done till now (and in the future)!

Despite all warnings, I've started using DrakeCMS for real now.

This means that occasionally I have to do some database( Gladius) editing.

1. It would be really great (but difficult) to have some basic editing functions on tables and fields (delete row, edit value in field) I'm not looking for phpmyadmin functionality (that would be great of course, but way to complicated), just some basic features.

2. It would be really helpfull to have a 'history' function in the Query Database page, just a listbox with the last 20/50 commands to pick from.

Hope this can be realized some time.

Arno Rog
Re: Feature reqs. for database-management
18 September 2007 12:31
Anonymous Quote:


Compliments for the work done till now (and in the future)!

There is an active team of developers and testers behind the scenes, I am proud of that smile

Despite all warnings, I've started using DrakeCMS for real now.


This means that occasionally I have to do some database( Gladius) editing.

In order to update the database, I guess.
But please be always sure that the produced SQL backups are compliant to our supported ones.


1. It would be really great (but difficult) to have some basic editing functions on tables and fields (delete row, edit value in field) I'm not looking for phpmyadmin functionality (that would be great of course, but way to complicated), just some basic features.

To tell the truth I am thinking about a phpMyAdmin-like project based on adoDB lite, and so capable of performing common database operations on all the supported dbs smile

2. It would be really helpfull to have a 'history' function in the Query Database page, just a listbox with the last 20/50 commands to pick from.

Hope this can be realized some time.

Arno Rog

I also have the need of this feature, and it might be useful to everybody too; please submit a feature tracker for (2).

Thank you very much!