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Home page General discussion > Drake CMS philosophy Permanent link to this page
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Drake CMS philosophy
14 May 2007 10:28
Anonymous Read your post, very complimentary, thanks... grin

BUT, have now found a glitch/bug as when I started to reply and through a series of other actions the post was deleted or has become, orphaned...this has been reported to the devs..

It wasn't deleted on purpose...

I was going to thank you for your words and offer of help...and what to do if you want to help...can you post again...

Re : For phpmaster
14 May 2007 14:10
Anonymous wink

i am no beginner at forums
At some of them i have posted 3.000 posts
others 'only' like 1.000 replies
one board have contributed >1.000 posts is:

Still active there with providing php code and hints to those asking
.. and in trouble with MySQL trickie untx issues grin
What i have seen there is only one reason
i have written my own very easy and User Friendly !!
PHP MiniDB Classes
.. they store in flatfiles ( fwrite 'wb' binary! and read the same fread 'rb' )

I have working alpha versions, BOTH using srialize/unserialize data storage
and with custom and safe DeLimiters.
of my PHP MiniDB Class for handling of website data
without the need of any WebHost database provided.
Only PHP required!
this is typical for ALL my own scripts.
Preferably working with latest PHP distribution

AND, this is important
working with the settings in php.ini-recommended
I see Drake CMS people have same moral and philosophy!

I refer to:
The check up before install, 'stage 1' in install of drakecms-0.4.0 beta rev 2880
which I installe without problems today ( Gladius DB default , of course! )


why I started this reply was to say to you, trex1512 (whoever you are)

winkNo worry! Be happy!
As learned from many 1.000 postings before, by incidents,
I usually immidiately before or after I submit my ARTICLES = longer texts and rantings.

so my post/article in Topic I created is fully BACKED UP
in my hardrive C:/My Documents/

I take no chances no longer.
I am a creative man of great knowledge in many areas.
I do not want my creations to go to waste.

see you later
thanks for your notice here, to me

see you later
now i have other things to do

Much regards to you all
and Respect

PS. you may think i have saved and backed up this post as well
using my notepad.exe to copy and paste ans Save As
before I posted this one to you
If you think so, you are correct!

Saved as a draft called:


... where 070514-0805 is Date and time posted
... filed in my special folder for this forum:

/My Documents/forumsposts17/drakecms.sourceforge.net/

... you never know, do you?
with these websites of all kind
.... there is sometimes not only glitches
but bad data security.
not that this is vital at most smaller hobby sites.
For them having PHP Scripting and plaiying with this
as their common hobby
Re : For phpmaster
16 May 2007 01:05
Anonymous Quote:


i am no beginner at forums
At some of them i have posted 3.000 posts
others 'only' like 1.000 replies
one board have contributed >1.000 posts is:

Still active there with providing php code and hints to those asking
.. and in trouble with MySQL trickie untx issues grin

Hi phpmaster - it's a pity I missed your first post, anyway we need people like you!
I hope you are going to help us in discussion, design and maybe development also smile

What i have seen there is only one reason
i have written my own very easy and User Friendly !!

You have written a message board? shockedI hope you will give us a hand with our little forums in Drake CMS then!


PHP MiniDB Classes
.. they store in flatfiles ( fwrite 'wb' binary! and read the same fread 'rb' )

I have working alpha versions, BOTH using srialize/unserialize data storage
and with custom and safe DeLimiters.

I had chosen the same format when designing Gladius DB - your MiniDB software looks great (I am a C programmer too), I havent yet given a deeper look inside it but it would be great if some sort of collaboration could be possible between MiniDB and Gladius DB (e.g. formats interconversion, formats support or anything else) sideways


of my PHP MiniDB Class for handling of website data
without the need of any WebHost database provided.
Only PHP required!
this is typical for ALL my own scripts.
Preferably working with latest PHP distribution

AND, this is important
working with the settings in php.ini-recommended
I see Drake CMS people have same moral and philosophy!

Yes!! That's our philosophy: the broadest compatibility in order to allow usage of our software to everybody. And we also sponsor secure choices in the PHP settings.
I would really like to have you in active development someday smile

I refer to:
The check up before install, 'stage 1' in install of drakecms-0.4.0 beta rev 2880
which I installe without problems today ( Gladius DB default , of course! )

Eheh..good! grin
See you later then!