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Home page General discussion > Creating linked menus Permanent link to this page
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Creating linked menus
13 September 2007 18:27
Anonymous I have some problems to create menus, which will only be displayed for dedicated site content.

In the main menu there is a menu item 'Company'. And when i press this item there should appear another menu with some more items ('Team', 'Location', etc.).
And when you now press one of these items, the appropriate content item or category should be displayed.

With the existing possibilities you can assign a menu only to one or more items of the main menu. When you press this item, the 'linked' menu appears but will vanish as soon as you hit one of its own items, because the main menu loses focus.

Therefore i think it would be a better way to link menus to sections, categories an content items.

The same should be enabled for content modules and download modules. Then it would be possible to create category- or content item-specific content or download modules.

Hmmm - hope, someone realises what i think, otherwise i'll try to explain it again.

Thanks in advance!