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Author Message:
22 November 2007 21:10
Anonymous Hi cool people of Drake CMS, (and offcourse other readers)

Keep up the good works and cant wait till saterday.

I have some questions, which maybe already in de Drake but i cant find them...

Is it possible to put off comments. Like the comments you can put under every content item? (maybe it there but i dont know where)

Could it become possible to change content items settings globaly. So it will be possible to change the use of the PDF/mail/print button for all the items at once. Instead of changing it every item. (maybe it is already possible again, but i cant find it).

Re: Comments
22 November 2007 21:30
Anonymous Quote by rahendri:

Is it possible to put off comments. Like the comments you can put under every content item? (maybe it there but i dont know where)

Admin backend -> Drabots -> Manage drabots -> Set the comments drabot access group to Nobody


Could it become possible to change content items settings globaly. So it will be possible to change the use of the PDF/mail/print button for all the items at once. Instead of changing it every item. (maybe it is already possible again, but i cant find it).

The correct way is always to change those settings for the content category; changing the single content items option is only for granular customization
Re: Comments
23 November 2007 01:58
Anonymous Quote:
The correct way is always to change those settings for the content category; changing the single content items option is only for granular customization

This would be great but I can't see how to set these options via the Content > Categories section
Re: Comments
23 November 2007 08:58
Anonymous Sorry, I meant content category menu instances.

You should refer to the content section and content category menu instances in your menu.

Remember: the menu instances do allow the component activation. Without a menu instance somewhere, components will never serve content (it's also an important security feature)
Re: Comments
25 November 2007 11:23
Anonymous Quote:

Could it become possible to change content items settings globaly. So it will be possible to change the use of the PDF/mail/print button for all the items at once. Instead of changing it every item. (maybe it is already possible again, but i cant find it).

I've vritten a sort of "FAQ" in the "Documentation" forum, try that. wink