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With the increasing spread of Drake CMS and now
many actually running live sites even though we are still in beta
development it is time for a simple request and reminder.
The request is that if you heavily modify a template
please try and maintain a link on your front page to Drake CMS or
a link in an About page..
The reminder is to read and
heed the GNU/GPL. Thanks.
There are a small group of
developers and a growing group of testers that have put a lot of
time and effort into Drake CMS reaching the stage it is at now,
all for free.
If you use Drake CMS in a commercial
environment and then come here for free help you may be
Thank You for your time.
Re: Branding of Drake CMS
08 June 2007 18:41
Hi Trex1512,
please help me
I understand
your request, but what do you want to say with "the
reminder" ? I must have a Link to Drake CMS, the GPL
says so?! No.
Do you mean people who don't share
her things ? Is there anybody who sells it as its own ?
Thanks for an answer (and excuse me for my poor
Re : Re: Branding of Drake CMS
08 June 2007 20:16
I understand your
request, but what do you want to say with "the
reminder" ? I must have a Link to Drake CMS, the GPL
says so?! No.
The GPL does not say that you
must, the GPL says that you must not say that you own copyright
for Drake CMS.
But, we (The Drake
Team) say that it would be fair to put such link on the
template because it would help the growth of Drake CMS, a really
small tribute to Drake CMS and its related free services (both
present and future). We will not offer
support to unfair Drake CMS users, they can anyway
download and use Drake CMS as they wish and also contribute to
each aspect of the development and community, but
we cannot offer support to these users, both for
ethical and for advertising reasons. I hope you understand:
if we offer our help to users which help Drake CMS and to users
which do not help, what would be the gain at helping Drake
Do you mean people who don't share her things ?
Even if we develop open source, we do not pretend other people
to develop open source too. We do not pretend anything at all to
be correct, since Drake CMS is released under the GPL and that's
We are just saying that it would be fair
to put that link on websites which are powered by Drake CMS
Is there
anybody who sells it as its own ?
Well...I don't
know, anyway if he does (with or without the Drake CMS branding)
he will be sued by our lawyers.
Thanks for pointing out these questions, Marc, and sorry for
answering in place of trex1512; I hope the situation is now
clearer to you.
If you have more questions (which are
not covered by the GPL FAQs) feel free to ask!
Re : Branding of Drake CMS
08 June 2007 22:50
The request is that if
you heavily modify a template please try and maintain a link on
your front page to Drake CMS or a link in an About
Wording is, a "request" and
"please try and maintain", it does not say you must
But, good community manners should acknowledge
the long and hard work of others that you are the beneficiary of.
Then when you ask for help, it is free, like the CMS.
The reminder is
to read and heed the GNU/GPL. Thanks.
even though it would be good to acknowledge at least the name
Drake CMS, you are not required to.
The GPL does not say
that you must, the GPL says that you must not say that you own
copyright for Drake CMS.
But, we (The Drake Team) say
that it would be fair to put such link on the template because it
would help the growth of Drake CMS, a really small tribute to
Drake CMS and its related free services (both present and
If I get something so nice as
DrakeCMs for free, I wouldnt mind putting some credits and a
link to Drake Home.
There was only
once in my life, when I REMOVED any links to a free
Open Source application at my website.
The main
developer did NOT treat me fair and nice at his support
Forum. I had suggestions and modifcations done to improve
(several days of working) and pointed out a couple of bugs.
After this clash, I thought it to be
only a fair response to do the same as he did: .. be a
little bad to him
We have a saying in my
country: As your call is - Your reponse will
If you call out and say I am a crooked
one you should not expect me to be very kind, in return.
I agree with legolas fully
100%. It is our own interest, to support those people
here. If they get many 'helpers' to code and use DrakeCMS ..we, the EndUsers, will ultimately benefit from it.
As the code improves for future versions.
Regards, phpmaster
Re : Re: Branding of Drake CMS
09 June 2007 15:59
We have a saying
in my country: As your call is - Your reponse will
If you call out and say I am a crooked
one you should not expect me to be very kind, in return.
I agree with legolas fully
100%. It is our own interest, to support those people
here. If they get many 'helpers' to code and use DrakeCMS ..we, the EndUsers, will ultimately benefit from it.
As the code improves for future versions.
Thanks to phpmaster for having given a better
explanation: it is actually a matter of helping your own
software, because Drake CMS is designed, developed and mantained
for our customers, YOU.