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I noticed that drake has a not-so-cool downloads manager (for
example it doesn't hide the file path), so i wanna suggest to
take a look at phpATM
(PHP Advanced Transfer Manager): Quote:
* It’s completely free
* Multilangual (more than 20 languages supported) *
Does NOT need a database * Time zone offset (depends on
selected language) * Download counter * User
can sort files by name, upload date, downloads * User
can delete o modify its own files * User can give
description to file * Administrator and Poweruser can
delete all files and directories * Filename length
limit * Appearance tuning (colors, font) *
Possibility to define header and footer * Possibility to
view contents of ZIP archives without downloading *
Possibility to view images and other type of files on the fly * Recent file list and top downloads list * User
accounts support * IP Logging * Account
management system * In order to check user e-mail
addresses you can enable user activation system * User
can subscribe on everyday digest of uploaded files list via
e-mail (optional) * Users can get small files by e-mail
(optional) * User statistics
(uploaded/downloaded/e-mailed files, last access) *
Administrator can show info message over the file list *
Possibility to use server mailer or your own SMTP *
Highly configurable (see include/conf.php)
1. A webserver
(Apache 1.3+ recommended) or web hosting account running on any
major Operating System 2. PHP 4.0.0+ (PHP 5.x is
officially NOT supported, but should work too) 3. Web
browser (such as Mozilla Firefox)
phpATM is
released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License or at your option any later version.
It is not a matter of good or bad, what
matters is: will it integrate into Drake/Lanius: - will it
support all databases Drake/Lanius runs on (including
Gladius!) - Will it read the users from Drake/Lanius and be
able to grant/refuse access based upon group-membership?
Just my 2 cents
p.s. My favorite
has always been the filemanager of phpBB; you might also have a
look at paFileDB
Re: Better downloads management
12 April 2008 18:58
Quote by
noticed that drake has a not-so-cool downloads manager (for
example it doesn't hide the file path)
It's just because you did not enable the download-via-PHP