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I would like to share with you some
knowledge about using the .htaccess configuration file for
Apache. So, if you have a web hosting which has Apache installed
(the fastest way to check this is to reach an url like and see the
404 page, which should report the server software) you can create
(if the host allowed you to) an .htaccess file
in the website root path of Drake CMS (but actually of any other
PHP application) with this content, explained step by step:
## applies
deflating to all textual responses AddOutputFilterByType
DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml
The above
line (those with ## or # are comments) will active the
mod_deflate on your Apache .htaccess configuration.
But, if your Apache has not that module
installed, then you might use the PHP alternative: Code:
## activates zlib
compression php_value zlib.output_compression 1 ## you
might want to enable also the following line to override the
default level of 6 ## do it ONLY if your server as low CPU
power # php_value zlib.output_compression 3
When using one of the above methods, you should turn off
the Drake CMS gzip compression (that will not be used).
Remember that http compression is
important, will decrease your bandwidth usage and offer
faster page download times to your users.
You might
get a 100% speed gain using it.
Re : Apache optimization tricks (through .htaccess)
08 June 2007 07:35
Sounds nice but let me ask for a few issues thatI've
understand correctly or not.
1. That compresses
resources (except images) before sending to browser. True?
2. Does every browser support this and can decompress
incoming files to view?
## do it ONLY if your server as low CPU
3. That sounds like oposite but,
does this compression needs too much of CPU power on server?
Thanks for your interest in advance
Re : Apache optimization tricks (through .htaccess)
08 June 2007 09:11
Sounds nice but let me
ask for a few issues thatI've understand correctly or not. 1. That compresses resources (except images) before sending to
browser. True? 2. Does every browser support this and can
decompress incoming files to view?
Re: Re : Apache optimization tricks (through .htaccess)
08 June 2007 16:32
Sounds nice but let
me ask for a few issues thatI've understand correctly or not. 1. That compresses resources (except images) before sending to
browser. True? 2. Does every browser support this and can
decompress incoming files to view?
Which is actually the same URL posted in the
original article... Quote:
Looks like Daniele has set ours to 1.
No, it
is not set, so it will inherit the default value. I suggest to
leave the default value or to modify it if you have a very weak
CPU (using 3 for example) or a very strong one (using 7).
Re: Re : Apache optimization tricks (through .htaccess)
08 June 2007 16:37
1. That
compresses resources (except images) before sending to browser.
True (as far as I know).
2. Does every
browser support this and can decompress incoming files to
If the browser does not support it, it is
given the uncompressed version of the file. So you should not
care about the implementation details; by the way, all modern
browsers support compression. More informations on the previously
specified URLs.
## do it ONLY if your server as low CPU power
3. That sounds like oposite but, does this compression
needs too much of CPU power on server?
Since the
default compression level is 6 (which is a good compromise), you
should use a lower compression level only if your server has a
very old slow CPU.
About the amount of CPU power: if
you do not enable the compression, you will use much more CPU to
serve the wasted bandwidth. It is a bottleneck the rule is: enable
compression and use the default compression ratio, unless you
know what you are doing. There should be no real concern about
CPU power with nowadays technology.
Anyway,cleared some but...
09 June 2007 08:28
A few more question. Please note that I'm an emty box in web
related applications.Thats why please forgive my imcompetence.
1. an htaccess file in "public_html" root
with these strings will cause all the apps under that folder to
be compressed. True?
2. My server has apache but
dont know this module is installed or not but anyway. What is the
difference between Code:
if same thing same
performance with same resource usage and also same compatibility
(sure not same but closer I mean) so I canuse the PHP one which
guarantee works. I'm I True? Or your suggestion
So this warning Quote:
When using one of the above methods, you
should turn off the Drake CMS gzip compression (that will not be
Means that Drake also have this function?
Nor or Yes but not enough like the codes up?
Re : Anyway,cleared some but...
09 June 2007 16:13
A few more
question. Please note that I'm an emty box in web related
applications.Thats why please forgive my imcompetence.
No problem - but we might have hijacked the thread
offtopic Quote:
1. an
htaccess file in "public_html" root with these strings
will cause all the apps under that folder to be compressed.
If you have Apache, yes.
2. My server
has apache but dont know this module is installed or not but
anyway. What is the difference between Code:
if same thing same performance with same resource
usage and also same compatibility (sure not same but closer I
mean) so I canuse the PHP one which guarantee works. I'm I True?
Or your suggestion
The 1st activates Apache's
MOD_DEFLATE, the second activates PHP's zlib output compression.
Apache's way is better.
3. So this warning Quote:
When using one
of the above methods, you should turn off the Drake CMS gzip
compression (that will not be used).
Means that
Drake also have this function? Nor or Yes but not enough like the
codes up?
Drake CMS cannot have the same
function of the webserver (Apache) or of a core PHP configuration
(zlib.output_compression), but it uses ob_gzhandler().
So in this list the 1st method is
the best, and the last the worst. NOTE: "Worst" does
not mean that is bad or wrong, just means that it cannot be as
performant as the others.
Apache's mod_deflate or any other
server-side compression Apache module
set zlib.output_compression to 1,
which forces all PHP outputs to be gzip-compressed when the
client supports it
enable Drake CMS' gzip
compression, which works like zlib.output_compression but will
not work if your server as URL rewriters active
About compatibility: you do not have to care about the
implementation, these methods ALWAYS work with all browsers.
10 June 2007 00:42
Perfectly clear. I'll use at least one of them and I think mode
deflate will work on my server.
Re: Clear
10 June 2007 02:55
Perfectly clear.
I'll use at least one of them and I think mode deflate will work
on my server.
Use only
one of them as using more than one is not