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Home page General discussion > 2 months with Drake, time for Impressions (1) Permanent link to this page
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2 months with Drake, time for Impressions (1)
10 October 2007 19:40
Anonymous I've tested until now Mambo, Joomla (1.0x and 1.5), PHP-Fusion, E107, Drupal, Gruppy and other interesting CMS's.
Drake is what I wanted. Nice and eficient admin section, beautifull as Joomla, working on every PHP enabled server not like other Flat File CMS. Fast. Easy to backup like PHP-Fusion (yea, the CMS without a search box on the frontpage sad).
With the latest (0.47RC2), Drake is also quite stable, lot of bugs fixed since 0.45/0.46.
You/We have to work to aesthetics, see how important is for Apple for example -- elegance, simplicity, performance. Sometimes this is how you get a big community.
Aesthetically Drake CMS has lot of "bugs". Examples? Position of button read-more and comments for articles. Print/pdf/... icons incorectly shown in IE6 (don`t know if IE7 also), displayed ok in FFox. Transparency problems in IE6 for PNG images.
To make Drake CMS more appealing, I would change all the icons in this CMS. Not to mention, that I hate the crash image smile); it`s to creeepy.
There are thousands of very nice and clean icons for Linux available as 100% Free (try the new Crystal pack for KDE4).

I will continue this topic as I remeber what I have to say about "my new CMS" ;). Stop me now!
Re: 2 months with Drake, time for Impressions (1)
11 October 2007 02:32
Anonymous Hi adrian....welcome..

Feedback of any kind is always welcome, you don't improve unless ppl tell you either what they like, whats wrong or what they want...

It may be better to submit feature requests for the asthetic improvemenst you are suggesting, they will then be logged and at the very least looked at and acted upon in some way...

With the community slowly growing its a healthy project that produces your kind of comments...thanks...

Re: 2 months with Drake, time for Impressions (1)
21 October 2007 19:11
Anonymous Hi adrian,

yes we have plans for an aesthetical restyling - I will also follow your suggestion and look at the KDE Crystal icons set.

Such restyling will be applied for the first Stable release, so while you see development going on there is also planning for many new features and improvements behind the scenes! We are just waiting the right moment to go public with them in order to increase the surprise effect wink
Thanks for your suggestions and ideas, I agree with all of them