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Home page > Bug Reports > tinyMCE eating HTML code Permanent link to this page
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tinyMCE eating HTML code
18 February 2007 23:15
Anonymous Hi, I'm having problems with tinyMCe striping out my HTML pasted code from Dreamweaver -since the 0.3.3 and 0.3.2 Beta releases. Basically stuff like height and width attributes to images, links, inline styles and onmouseover events are being removed. I've checked with the init for tinyMCE and all these tags should be allowed on the code cleanup so I don't understand why they're disappearing. The interesting thing is, when I tried a backup of the 0.2.5 Alpha of my test site, the HTML code stays intact - no tag removal. I've patched in the latest version of tinyMCE (2.1.0) and set that up allow the tags I need but that didn't help either. Any Ideas what's gone wrong - I read somewhere that changes have been made to the XHTML.php but at that point my powers of php understanding reach their limit! I should mention that I've not tinkered with the default installation of tinyMCE so I'm sure I haven't broken anything there.

Would appreciate any thoughts...
Re:tinyMCE eating HTML code
19 February 2007 00:20
Anonymous Before all thank you for your interest in solving the problem.

We already have a bug tracker about the KSES tags filtering applied in Drake CMS, however I really can't understand why in v0.2.5 some tags/attributes were not filtered while now they are, but I must confirm the problem as I experienced it too.

There is already tinyMCE2 and and the latest FCKeditor in the SVN repository, but I haven't tested if the problem happens with both of them.
If it does, then it is a tags filtering issue. If you did not experience it with the older backups may be because they were edited in the backend? It is the only (weak) possibility to explain this weirdness.

Anyway, xhtml.php needs to contain the valid tags/attributes. If you give a look to it you will see that how easy is to add them; once I will fix it, we will be able to understand if the problem is really there (I bet it is) or elsewhere.

If you can provide me a list of what it eats I will fix xhtml.php accordingly

Thanks again
Re:tinyMCE eating HTML code
19 February 2007 00:21
Anonymous I forgot to say: I would like to include the widest range of (secure) tags/attributes, possibly all those used by tinyMCE & friends, so that the user can really get the best from WYSIWYG editing.
Re:tinyMCE eating HTML code
19 February 2007 23:22
Anonymous OK now I think I understand - it was broken somewhere before the 0.3 betas (allowing all code through unfiltered) and now the KSES tag filtering is working because when I add extra tags and attributes to XHTML.php they stay in the HTML code and are not eddied out when saving the page.

This seems like a giant task to enter all the secure tags and allowable attribute ranges to this file! Please explain to and ignorant person (me) why this is done when tinyMCE does this kind of filtering as well. Standards compliance / security?

Thanks for your help on this......
Re:tinyMCE eating HTML code
20 February 2007 07:24
Anonymous TheRenderMan wrote:
OK now I think I understand - it was broken somewhere before the 0.3 betas (allowing all code through unfiltered) and now the KSES tag filtering is working because when I add extra tags and attributes to XHTML.php they stay in the HTML code and are not eddied out when saving the page.

Yes previously it was not filtered at the admin backend (so it was not really a security issue).


This seems like a giant task to enter all the secure tags and allowable attribute ranges to this file! Please explain to and ignorant person (me) why this is done when tinyMCE does this kind of filtering as well. Standards compliance / security?

Thanks for your help on this......

tinyMCE does client-side validation, but think about someone that has disabled javascript or that is forging POST requests: he could easily submit forbidden tags (for example, <script> or <object> ) and perform XSS attacks. That's why in Drake CMS we have fully implemented server-side validation of all variables, and that's why we expect near-zero security reports if compared to the old CMS sideways

Of course the problem has to be solved, see this tracker item, I just hope we can fix it before the next release.
Re:tinyMCE eating HTML code
09 March 2007 21:04
Anonymous I've pretty much got a handle on editing the xhtml.php now and have that working well. (have just amalgamated my changes with the new 'official' version in beta 0.3.6.

I now have a problem with code being 'added to' when pages are being parsed.

Look at this:
<a href="#" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('corporate_large_01','','images/images/corporate/corporate_0008.jpg',0)"><
img src="images/images/corporate/corporate_0008_rollover.jpg" alt="Corporate 02" name="corporate_02" width="104" height="74" border="0" id="corporate_02" longdesc="Corporate 02" /></a>

is now being converted into this:
<a href="#" onmouseover="MM_swapImage(''corporate_large_01'','''',''images/images/corporate/corporate_0008.jpg''
,0)"><img id="corporate_02" longdesc="Corporate 02" src="images/images/corporate/corporate_0008_rollover.jpg" border="0" alt="Corporate 02" width="104" height="74" /></a>

Notice the additional ' (apostrophes) being added which obviously breaks the script.

This is not happening with the TinyMCE editor but just parsing the page - something to do this the new Anyxml parsing? The MM_swapImage was working in 0.3.5 and older.

Also - what's happen to the Page Navigation Drabot, which is missing from the drabots folder in 0.3.6!!! Gives a 'drapagenav drabot not found error on the front end.

Oh and sorry for starting a new thread elsewhere on the forum wink
Re:tinyMCE eating HTML code
09 March 2007 21:55
Anonymous OK update to my last post.

I've just reinserted the html using the latest TinyMCE2 (from the SVN) and the MM_swapImage is now working - no added or duplicated apostrophes to the script.

Actually I don't think the version of TinyMCE2 has anything to do with it - it may have been something to do with the database backup and restore (from 0.3.5) I did to populate a clean install of beta 0.3.6 - it was after that the script was corrupted.

Not sure... any ideas?
Re:tinyMCE eating HTML code
13 March 2007 16:44
Anonymous TheRenderMan wrote:
OK update to my last post.

I've just reinserted the html using the latest TinyMCE2 (from the SVN) and the MM_swapImage is now working - no added or duplicated apostrophes to the script.

Actually I don't think the version of TinyMCE2 has anything to do with it - it may have been something to do with the database backup and restore (from 0.3.5) I did to populate a clean install of beta 0.3.6 - it was after that the script was corrupted.

Not sure... any ideas?

You are right, the database has been messed up sometime in previous restores due to a bug in database backup version recognition (my bad sad ), I am going to "hotfix" the bug in the next release's database update.
Re:tinyMCE eating HTML code
13 March 2007 16:50
Anonymous TheRenderMan wrote:
I've pretty much got a handle on editing the xhtml.php now and have that working well. (have just amalgamated my changes with the new 'official' version in beta 0.3.6.

I'd like to integrate your changes in the next release, if you agree. Do you have a snippet of that file? smile
Re:tinyMCE eating HTML code
13 March 2007 17:09
Anonymous TheRenderMan wrote:

Notice the additional ' (apostrophes) being added which obviously breaks the script.

This is not happening with the TinyMCE editor but just parsing the page - something to do this the new Anyxml parsing? The MM_swapImage was working in 0.3.5 and older.

It is because of a bug (now fixed) in database restoring sad


Also - what's happen to the Page Navigation Drabot, which is missing from the drabots folder in 0.3.6!!! Gives a 'drapagenav drabot not found error on the front end.

that drabot was killed ages ago, the next update will fix the drabot not found error

Oh and sorry for starting a new thread elsewhere on the forum wink

No problem, there's a sort of anarchy here at the forums...but when the cops will come, no more chaos! wink
Re:tinyMCE eating HTML code
14 March 2007 00:24
Anonymous legolas558 wrote:
I'd like to integrate your changes in the next release, if you agree. Do you have a snippet of that file? smile

Ok, this is what's working for me at the moment. Some of the values may look a bit extreme but layout tables may reach 800px in width so I covered my bases with 1000px! (Of-course I'd rather use divs but that's a whole other world of hurt.)

Some tags are depreciated as well - but still useful I guess.

$my_kses = new kses();

$my_kses->AddProtocols(array('https', 'svn', 'news', 'nntp', 'telnet', 'gopher'));

$my_kses->AddHTML( 'table', array('border' => array('minval' => 0, 'maxval' => 10),
'width' => array('minlen' => 3, 'maxlen' => 1000),
'bordercolor' => array('minlen' => 3, 'maxlen' => 7),
'cellspacing' => array('minval' => 0, 'maxval' => 10),
'cellpadding' => array('minval' => 0, 'maxval' => 10),
'background' => array('minlen' => 3, 'maxlen' => 200),
'id' => 1

$t_attr = array(
"colspan" => array('minval' => 2),
"rowspan" => array('minval' => 3),
"class" => array("minlen" => 1),
"width" => array("maxval" => 1000),
"style" => 1,
"valign" => 1,
"nowrap" => array('valueless' => 'y')

$my_kses->AddHTML('td', $t_attr);
$my_kses->AddHTML('tr', $t_attr);
$my_kses->AddHTML('a', array('href' => 1, 'title' => 1, 'onmouseover' => 1, 'onmouseout' => 1, 'onclick' => 1));
$my_kses->AddHTML('title', array('valueless' => 'n'));
$my_kses->AddHTML('p', array('align' => 1));
$my_kses->AddHTML('div', array('align' => 1, 'class' => 1, 'style' => 1));
$my_kses->AddHTML('img', array('src' => 1,
'align' => 1,
'border' => 1,
'width' => 1,
'height' => 1,
'id' => 1,
'name' => 1,
'alt' => 1,
'longdesc' => 1
); # FIXME (?)
$my_kses->AddHTML('font', array('size' => array('minval' => 4, 'maxval' => 20)) );

What do you think - maybe tighten-up some of the allowed value ranges?
Re:tinyMCE eating HTML code
14 March 2007 00:39
Anonymous Quote:
What do you think - maybe tighten-up some of the allowed value ranges?

I have merged ALL your changes into Drake CMS, they look good. Thank you smile

P.S. note that patches will not work unless you use the original file (that from v0.3.6) before applying the patch