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Home page > Bug Reports > Question about 'bugs' in language/text Permanent link to this page
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Question about 'bugs' in language/text
01 February 2007 08:54
Anonymous Hidihooo,

I'm using the Drake CMS now and it's running perfectly (so far smile). Anyways, I encountered some mistakes (wouldn't call them bugs) in the spelling of text. How should I go about with this? Is there a special place to report them? Should I first collect a dozen orso mistakes and then send them all-at-once or should I send info whenever I encounter mistakes?

Just one example:

Where are we at: Home-> Downloads (http://localhost/drake/index.php?option=downloads&Itemid=50)

The text says in the download section says:
Here is a collection of Files which might be of intrest to you.
Simply Select a Category from below to view

For one there's a spelling mistake in "intrest"; should be "interest".
Also the use of capitals in common words like "Files" and "Select" is abit annoying. The capitcal in "Category" is argueable since it could be considered a component or object. The capitalization of components/objects should be equal throughout entire site then. I'd say don't capitalize it - users aren't interested in CMS objects/components, they just want to read. I'm happy to inform/correct mistakes whenever I meet them anyway, just let me know what to do to get it fixxed or to support in getting it fixxed.

Don't mind my own spelling mistakes in here lol; it's just that I feel a public product like this should have correct spelling. I'd correct if for my own project anyway, so might just as well submit corrections or something.
Re:Question about 'bugs' in language/text
01 February 2007 09:10
Anonymous You can use the Patches tracker. Don't worry about opening new items, for example you could append your other language patches to one of yours still open patch tracker item as a simple comment or else create a new patch item tracker, who cares smile

I am sorry about the spelling and formatting errors in Drake CMS, but unfortunately we inherited them from Limbo CMS (and possibly I made my own while trying to fix them)

Thank you!

P.S. the intrsting bug you have submit here will be soon fixed in SVN wink