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Home page > Bug Reports > ISO instead of UTF-8 ? Permanent link to this page
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ISO instead of UTF-8 ?
16 February 2007 06:04
Anonymous During the upload of 0.3.3 I've observe Includes/ and Classes/ and noticed one important bug is present! Why nova days when everyone around moves to UTF-8, new CMS like Drake have to use ISO 8859-1, there is no future for ISO.

As Team leader of GTLT - http://sourceforge.net/projects/gtlt, I have a question for ya smile
Tell me how my Hindi, Gujarati and Bangla translators will translate Drake in their languages ?
How they will maintain content in both languages (Multi lingual content), eg. story in English and comments in Hindi.....

The only one good point I can see at the moment, is resurrection of Limbo, nothing more, resurrection in very strange way, making it incompatible even with existing Limbo Templates.

There is no section, on welcome box on the top center, what's really drake is and how I've linked Limbo to Drake, imagine how I've found it, and on which place of search results....

Page 7 of thousands in Clusty.com by searching open source cms
Page 11 of many in Google.com by searching for the same thing.

Really cant understand and seem any point of continue supporting and maintaining language files in ISO, if I or any of my mates found this project interesting to his needs, we will be forced to make it in UTF-8, with control .htaccess file, database content will be stored as for now in ISO8859-1 (which will make only RSS to get in troubles), and cant be exported, edited.

You really have to re-check your priorities, world wide support, or limited to few EU and not EU members.
Re:ISO instead of UTF-8 ?
16 February 2007 08:08
Anonymous I'm afraid you have missed the poiont...Drake is an evolution of Limbo..

Limbo stopped and has not moved anywhere in the last 12 months..

Drake was started to make a better Limbo and has goner a lot further by completely overhauling the entire suystem so that Drake is not even a distant cousin anymore....

If you want to participate go and register on at http://sourceforge.net/projects/drakecms
and be part of the team that solves the issues...

aka trex1512
Re:ISO instead of UTF-8 ?
16 February 2007 09:27
Anonymous Yeah I missed it, cos of the not well organized site smile
And where is the big difference between SP1 and 0.3.3 which appears as 0.3.2 in the Administration back end smile except the bunch of few more components, and few not yet supported database back ends.

I'm already there, at SourceForge.NET, 5 years before drake and limbo smile - https://sourceforge.net/users/ep98/
And I may join when I see a real answer of the main question, which is why ISO ?
And how will be world wide available (Drake) with such limitations as ISO encoding smile

We as translation team, rejected many projects for translating and maintenance of their language files up to date, cos of one thing, small, little thing smile ISO.

Few was hacked to use UTF-8 instead of ISO, like XOOPS before 2.0.15 version, but that's was done cos of the large number of users requests, which cant happen at the moment with this still yet unfinished core, and before to do whatever u want to extend it more, think about Unicode and the people which will not be able to use it at all.

PostNuke was stopped from translating by all translators and later deleted from our repository, cos of rejections from PostNuke developers, to add UTF-8 support as default encoding, then we pick 3PD and core developments for Xaraya, a bit more complex for the poor Nuke users, but supported as language database, so they (users) was forced by us.

Files are not up to date there, cos we got separated sub-domains per language, and more easy way for the translators, to upload/edit their files. SourceForge.net is a bit scary for some of them. Maybe latter during the summer vacation I will update all translations with latest changes and releases.

p.s. Also fix up your session time, is this site is a support site (where users have to write and read posts long time), or just presentation site ?

Also before u start such project like this CMS, u have to check the name availability, do u know what's Drake and where is used ? Ask Mandriva, they're will tell u.
Re:ISO instead of UTF-8 ?
16 February 2007 11:57
Anonymous ep98 wrote:
Also before u start such project like this CMS, u have to check the name availability, do u know what's Drake and where is used ? Ask Mandriva, they're will tell u.

Maybe you shoulkd also give ubuntu a poke as well, Dapper Drake release if I'm not mistaken...

aka trex1512
Re:ISO instead of UTF-8 ?
16 February 2007 12:05
Anonymous Better check your tone kiddo, fucking up with possible supporter, is not the best point to gain popularity.

I'm off this pseudo project, 2 times I'm asking the same and same thing, and what I've get fucking up, ask whatever u want, Drake is used by many other organization and Drake itself is registered by mandrake.

I will loose no more time with u and such "evolution" of going down, if u remember what was the Limbo community with your posts, u can see only disappointments, nothing more. Limbo was good, and Drake will never reach it a bit at least, with such helpful support and community.

Feel free to kick me, delete my account or IP Deny.
Thanks for your cooperation and answers.
Re:ISO instead of UTF-8 ?
16 February 2007 13:38
Anonymous hahaha....what the!!!

One can only imagine..

aka trex1512
Re:ISO instead of UTF-8 ?
16 February 2007 14:39
Anonymous Uh...look what happens while I was sleeping! pinch

ep98 wrote:
During the upload of 0.3.3 I've observe Includes/ and Classes/ and noticed one important bug is present! Why nova days when everyone around moves to UTF-8, new CMS like Drake have to use ISO 8859-1, there is no future for ISO.

As Team leader of GTLT - http://sourceforge.net/projects/gtlt, I have a question for ya smile
Tell me how my Hindi, Gujarati and Bangla translators will translate Drake in their languages ?
How they will maintain content in both languages (Multi lingual content), eg. story in English and comments in Hindi.....

Not correct: we are not using ISO 8859-1 but one different ISO encoding for each language.

The only one good point I can see at the moment, is resurrection of Limbo, nothing more, resurrection in very strange way, making it incompatible even with existing Limbo Templates.

I would have spent more time on it before saying "the only good point", however does not matter, critics are welcome!
About template incompatibilities: that's because the CSS went under re-design, however we have planned compatibility and they will in future be easily converted from any other Mambo-family CMS.


There is no section, on welcome box on the top center, what's really drake is and how I've linked Limbo to Drake, imagine how I've found it, and on which place of search results....

Page 7 of thousands in Clusty.com by searching open source cms
Page 11 of many in Google.com by searching for the same thing.

What can I say...I am not the marketing responsible, I have cried more than you about this... sad And


Really cant understand and seem any point of continue supporting and maintaining language files in ISO, if I or any of my mates found this project interesting to his needs, we will be forced to make it in UTF-8, with control .htaccess file, database content will be stored as for now in ISO8859-1 (which will make only RSS to get in troubles), and cant be exported, edited.

You really have to re-check your priorities, world wide support, or limited to few EU and not EU members.

Again, not only the ISO 8859-1 encoding is supported but any encoding you want.
An option to automatically convert from the locale ISO encoding to UTF-8 is possible to implement, but there has been no discussion about it. The main reason why you are seeing ISO encodings in this project is that I found that locale-related PHP functions output in ISO encoding, so even if we had UTF8 language resources (and we had in the past, just check the SVN logs) the content was mixed because we could not find an easy way to force the PHP function's output to be UTF8!

If you want to discuss more about this on the developers mailing list please do, I do not claim to be an expert programmer and if you can/want help us with your advices we will gladly be accept them.
Re:ISO instead of UTF-8 ?
16 February 2007 14:51
Anonymous ep98 wrote:
Yeah I missed it, cos of the not well organized site smile
And where is the big difference between SP1 and 0.3.3 which appears as 0.3.2 in the Administration back end smile except the bunch of few more components, and few not yet supported database back ends.

Eheh...sourceforge shell service is down, we can't change the remote picture until that. That's why you see the wrong picture.
About not yet supported databases: WHAAAT? Check your tone, programmer. They are already implemented wink If you saw them red is just because you haven't installed the additional drivers, and if you had read the installation notices you would have seen that explained. By the way, they are not released in the main distribution to keep the package size low.
I'm already there, at SourceForge.NET, 5 years before drake and limbo smile - https://sourceforge.net/users/ep98/
And I may join when I see a real answer of the main question, which is why ISO ?
And how will be world wide available (Drake) with such limitations as ISO encoding smile

We as translation team, rejected many projects for translating and maintenance of their language files up to date, cos of one thing, small, little thing smile ISO.

I hope the previous post explained you why we are still using ISO. And, again, I would really like to drop ISO in favor of UTF-8 in an elegant way.

Few was hacked to use UTF-8 instead of ISO, like XOOPS before 2.0.15 version, but that's was done cos of the large number of users requests, which cant happen at the moment with this still yet unfinished core, and before to do whatever u want to extend it more, think about Unicode and the people which will not be able to use it at all.

PostNuke was stopped from translating by all translators and later deleted from our repository, cos of rejections from PostNuke developers, to add UTF-8 support as default encoding, then we pick 3PD and core developments for Xaraya, a bit more complex for the poor Nuke users, but supported as language database, so they (users) was forced by us.

I see you are an experienced user and I would really like to have you in the Team; however, until we don't find (maybe you have some clues? I will eventually investigate more in these days) how to force the locale output to be UTF-8 encoded in an elegant way I think we are in stall.


Files are not up to date there, cos we got separated sub-domains per language, and more easy way for the translators, to upload/edit their files. SourceForge.net is a bit scary for some of them. Maybe latter during the summer vacation I will update all translations with latest changes and releases.

The translation system is kinda usable now; however the "Repair" feature just replaces the missing language resources with the English ones, this maybe annoying during long time maintenance.
p.s. Also fix up your session time, is this site is a support site (where users have to write and read posts long time), or just presentation site ?

Again, I am not the marketing agent here sad
Also before u start such project like this CMS, u have to check the name availability, do u know what's Drake and where is used ? Ask Mandriva, they're will tell u.

No "Drake CMS" was existing before this project started; drake is a very common word, about one thousand projects use it. And since Dapper Drake is not a CMS I don't see your point here. I don't really like this weak forms of attack you are making to the project...
Re:ISO instead of UTF-8 ?
16 February 2007 14:57
Anonymous ep98 wrote:
Better check your tone kiddo, fucking up with possible supporter, is not the best point to gain popularity.

Sorry Mr.Ilivanov but I don't see why you got upset. Really. Maybe it was a bad day when you posted this? P.Engee did not say anything bad...


I'm off this pseudo project, 2 times I'm asking the same and same thing, and what I've get fucking up, ask whatever u want, Drake is used by many other organization and Drake itself is registered by mandrake.

A name collision you say? Maybe...I don't care at the moment. However I repeat that Drake CMS is not registered by anyone.
And, one last thing: you've got the wrong tone here! Why pseudo-project? This is a very young project! What do you expect? It's managed by about 3-4 people and they're not experts in project managing!

I will loose no more time with u and such "evolution" of going down, if u remember what was the Limbo community with your posts, u can see only disappointments, nothing more. Limbo was good, and Drake will never reach it a bit at least, with such helpful support and community.

AHAHAHAH! So Limbo had a better language support! AHAHAH! I really can't stop now.
No comment.
Feel free to kick me, delete my account or IP Deny.
Thanks for your cooperation and answers.

No no no, free speech (and bad words too) here smile
16 February 2007 14:59
Anonymous Anyway, I don't think we need a supported which makes such use of bad words (even in the nickname!).
UTF8 support
16 February 2007 20:28
Anonymous In Drake CMS we use the setlocale() function to enable the correct locale settings. Looks like adding ".UTF8" to the language identifier will force the usage of UTF8 output, and I hope most systems accept it.

The next version of Drake CMS (v0.3.4, not yet released) will use UTF8 for any language, see the relative feature tracker

Several tests will be done in the next days to verify the correctness of the UTF8 output
Re:ISO instead of UTF-8 ?
16 February 2007 22:02
Anonymous Ehi Daniele.. ma chi è questo?
Re:ISO instead of UTF-8 ?
16 February 2007 22:08
Anonymous rsavarese wrote:
Ehi Daniele.. ma chi è questo?

I will answer both in Italian and English, but please use English in the non-Italian sections of the forums. smile

I don't know however looks like a possible translator; better not to loose too much time answering his critics.

In Italian:
Risponderò sia in Italiano che in Inglese, ma per favore usa l'Inglese nelle sezioni non Italiane dei forum. smile

Non so chi sia comunque sembra un possibile traduttore; meglio non perdere troppo tempo a rispondere alle sue critiche.