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Home page > Bug Reports > Can''t create gallery categories! Permanent link to this page
Author Message:
Can''t create gallery categories!
07 April 2007 22:54
Anonymous It seems that i can''t create any gallery categories.
I''m getting the following error:
==Error hash==
==Previous page==
==Version information==

2007-04-07 23:43:05 GMT

Drake v0.3.8 Beta rev.2436
Server: Apache/1.3.33 (Debian GNU/Linux) PHP/4.3.10-16
PHP version: 4.3.10-16
Database: mysql
Protocol: HTTP/1.1
OS: Linux moon 2.4.27-2-386 #1 Wed Aug 17 09:33:35 UTC 2005 i686

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/
Accept-charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Accept-language: sv,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3

==Debug backtrace==

*****/admin.php(7): include(string[+11] = $d_root."admin.php")
admin.php(60): require(string[+48] = $d_root."admin/components/com_gallery/admin.gallery.php")
admin/components/com_gallery/admin.gallery.php(221): assert_dir(string[9] = "blandat", string[9] = "blandat")
admin/components/com_gallery/admin.gallery.php(34): E2 assert_dir(admin/classes/fs.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

Just a ordinary guy from sweden...
Re:Can''t create gallery categories!
08 April 2007 10:08
Anonymous Do you have safe mode enabled?
Re:Can''t create gallery categories!
08 April 2007 12:48
Anonymous legolas558 wrote:
Do you have safe mode enabled?

Yes, and my webhost wount turn it off cause of security reasons.
Just a ordinary guy from sweden...
Re:Can''t create gallery categories!
08 April 2007 17:36
Anonymous 1) you got that error because of a bug in v0.3.8, which should have shown a proper error message if the directory creation failed. It has been fixed for the next release

2) safe mode is more an illusion of protection rather than a real protection, however with safe mode enabled you can only use the already created category (with the next version should be possible to use categories created manually through FTP), see also this bug tracker item

Thank you for pointing this issue out! smile
Re:Can''t create gallery categories!
08 April 2007 17:46
Anonymous legolas558 wrote:
1) you got that error because of a bug in v0.3.8, which should have shown a proper error message if the directory creation failed. It has been fixed for the next release

Ok! Then i need to wait (again) for an update. cool

legolas558 wrote:

2) safe mode is more an illusion of protection rather than a real protection, however with safe mode enabled you can only use the already created category (with the next version should be possible to use categories created manually through FTP), see also this bug tracker item

Thank you for pointing this issue out! smile

I know that "safe_mode" is more or less a "illusion" but my webhost didn''t know that. sad
Since it works great to create subsites and other folders thrue http, then it should work to create gallery categories to, or have i missed something!?
Just a ordinary guy from sweden...
Re:Can''t create gallery categories!
08 April 2007 20:19
Anonymous WhoMe wrote:
legolas558 wrote:
1) you got that error because of a bug in v0.3.8, which should have shown a proper error message if the directory creation failed. It has been fixed for the next release

Ok! Then i need to wait (again) for an update. cool

The next update will create the folder, but...see below answer.


legolas558 wrote:

2) safe mode is more an illusion of protection rather than a real protection, however with safe mode enabled you can only use the already created category (with the next version should be possible to use categories created manually through FTP), see also this bug tracker item

Thank you for pointing this issue out! smile

I know that "safe_mode" is more or less a "illusion" but my webhost didn''t know that. sad
Since it works great to create subsites and other folders thrue http, then it should work to create gallery categories to, or have i missed something!?

Yes, you have missed to read this bug tracker item, which explains that even if you create the folder through PHP then you cannot upload to that folder because (in most cases) safe_mode prevents uploads to PHP-created folders. I am still looking for workarounds but haven't found any yet sad
Re:Can''t create gallery categories!
09 April 2007 18:47
Anonymous Good news for you and all the others safe mode users! cheerful

Version 0.3.9 will have a 3rd tab in the wizard form that will allow automatic recognition of gallery categories & photos! So you will just create a folder (via FTP) and upload (via FTP) photos in it, and then the wizard indexes it in the database. This feature was by long under development but I did not have the time to test it - now it works ok.

I hope it will be useful.