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Home page > Bug Reports > Account Validation Email From Value Permanent link to this page
Author Message:
Account Validation Email From Value
01 April 2007 03:18
Anonymous Drake v0.3.8 Beta rev.2401

The sender shows up as:


I was thinking it would / should be the name of the site or administrator or something.

Re:Account Validation Email From Value
01 April 2007 10:29
Anonymous Yes, we have troubles with auto-generated emails sad

Can you please attach that full email (with headers)?

Thank you
Re:Account Validation Email From Value
01 April 2007 15:00
Anonymous feel free to just sign up for the site then you will get the email sooner. The actual sign up email is on my other computer... I will try to remember to attach next time I am on it.

Re:Account Validation Email From Value
01 April 2007 18:02
Anonymous Sorry but I do not get this problem. What email client are you using to read emails?
Re:Account Validation Email From Value
01 April 2007 20:00
Anonymous It was my ISP provided webmail on my t-bird email is showed up as User Registration <registration@whatever> so my webmail must have done something screwy. Am I missing where to set this value?

I have attached the original email.

Re:Account Validation Email From Value
01 April 2007 20:38
Anonymous Ehm, I think you made a mistake: you attached your user registration email here on DrakeForge!

You should attach the email you get from your Drake CMS removing everything before the "Message-ID" line (I suggest you to remove the previous attachment) for privacy; however, as I have verified (and I also use Thunderbird) there is no problem at receiving.

You say maybe your ISP modifies the UTF-8 encoded email ermm maybe...however it shouldn't! I would really like to understand why this happens...

Btw, I have now disabled the Q-encoding for headers with spaces, it would be great if you could check again with the latest revision and tell us if the email show correctly (it should anyway now!) and eventually if it gets any spam rating (it should not!).

You can read the spam rating lookin in the email headers for lines beginning with "X-Spam"

Thanks again! cheerful
Re:Account Validation Email From Value
01 April 2007 22:58
Anonymous You are correct I attached the wrong email... sorry about that.

Here is the header from the actual email my system sent... I deleted the TO email address but otherwise it is copy and paste. I will try another with the updates and thru my other email to see if that is better.


X-Account-Key: account8
Return-Path: <anonymous@cgi13.cgi13>
Received: (qmail 42873 invoked from network); 1 Apr 2007 01:56:52 -0000
Received: from unknown (
by 0 with QMQP; 1 Apr 2007 01:56:52 -0000
X-URI: /index.php?option=registration
X-ID: 2595192
Subject: =?UTF-8?q?Account_details_for_test_at_Ferryside=2Enet?=
From: =?UTF-8?q?Drake_Robot?= <robot@cgi13.cgi13>
Message-ID: <28dfd380b57e74c56ec753fa4e72db26@>

X-Mailer: Drake v0.3.8

Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2007 21:56:51 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 000729-2, 03/31/2007), Inbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
Re:Account Validation Email From Value
01 April 2007 23:12
Anonymous Everything looks ok...I really don't know why it failed sad

Please try with the latest version, it should not QP-encode when not necessary