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It would be nice to make Drake completely XHTML 1.0 Transitional
(or even Strict if possible) compliant, and create a "Drake
Standards Certificate" or something like that, which would enable
dev team to control the quality of all
templates/mods/components... For example, official Drake homepage
would publish only "DSC" certified templates etc.. I'd like to be
involved in this of course, I was planning to help in development
in some way, either by PHP coding or something like this..
Opinions? Suggestions?
Re:XHTML compliance
24 October 2006 01:48
We currently have one feature request open for XHTML tag
filtering. Worling towards compliance is definately a goal of the
project. Make sure you stop in at the development site and sign
up as a developer, would love to get more help in this area.
Re:XHTML compliance
29 October 2006 13:51
I've tried to find a "sign up for this project" button, but found
none, I suppose I need an invitation My SF account
is lecterror, so feel free to add me as
i.e. developer
Re:XHTML compliance
30 October 2006 11:12
Sorry, SourceForge has made some changes lately, looks like like
the "join this project" link was one of them. I have added you as
a developer, welcome to the team. I look forward to working with
you. P.S. I like the description you provided, we may need
to add that as a role or job description.
Re:XHTML compliance
31 October 2006 07:01
Hmm...when I try to checkout drake from SF (I'm using Tortoise) I
get an error:
failed to create lock directory for
`/cvsroot/drakecms' (/cvsroot/drakecms/#cvs.lock): Permission
Either I configured something terribly
wrong (highly probable) or ...well, I don't know what else could
it be.
I'm a complete n00b with CVS (used VSS at work and
somehow got used to that..that..whatever that is.. ) so I have
no clue what this message could possibly mean..
edit: just realized this might not be the right place to post
this, sorry for the off topic
CVS access
31 October 2006 08:41
We got away from CVS very early on and are using SVN. Tortoise
SVN works very well and is similar to CVS but with much better
controls and more tools. Feel free to email me if you run into
any trouble with SVN, I would be happy to help. SourceForge has
pretty good docs on SVN usage as well.
Re:XHTML compliance
31 October 2006 11:21
Welcome aboard, lecterror!
The XHTML tags filtering is more
a KSES setup than something related to XHTML: basically somebody
should get the tags+attributes list used by tinyMCE and FCKeditor
and edit the xhtml.php file so that they are not filtered by
If you are interested in XHTML compliance (we
aim at XHTML Transitional but Strict is a candidate for Drake CMS
version 1.0) the best approach you can follow is: rip around the
Drake CMS generated pages, post them on the W3C validator (or click
on the XHTML compliance picture in the lower left corner of the
default_247 template) and post the errors as Standards compliance
I sometimes
do this and it would be great if some other people join the