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Home page > Feature Requests > Translations welcome! Permanent link to this page
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Translations welcome!
21 January 2007 23:40
Anonymous With version 0.2.6 translations should easily be created.

Read the Tutorial
Re:Translations welcome!
01 February 2007 20:52
Anonymous Very interesting tool.
I'm a software translator and i could translate Drake CMS in italian once the template files will be available.
Obviously when the italian file will be completed and tested i could use your forum for the italian support to all italian DrakeCMS users.
Let me know.
Re:Translations welcome!
02 February 2007 13:31
Anonymous If I remember correctly there have been also other users asking for Italian translation

Read also http://wiki.drakecms.org/index.php?title=Tutorial:Translating_to _...