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Home page > Feature Requests > Safe Mode Permanent link to this page
Author Message:
Safe Mode
01 September 2006 12:20
Anonymous When your rebuilding the flatfile database engine anyway, wouldn't it be great to have it support PHP safe mode? I haven't managed to get Limbo running under such conitions so now I'm hoping your release will do it out of the box! What do you think?
Re:Safe Mode
06 September 2006 06:35
Anonymous Yes, we are working in that direction. The goal will be to allow users to install the system on almost any type of hosting solution. Legolas is developing a new flat file system from scratch with those and other goals in mind!
Re:Safe Mode
31 October 2006 11:41
Anonymous Gladius DB will (hopefully) soon exit the beta stage and become stable with version 0.2; I suppose there are no issues with PHP safe mode, please submit a bug report if found any.