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I realize that probably the Drake development team is pretty busy
with getting the Alpha release stable. However it would be
great to take into consideration, from early development stages,
the question of some smart Drake SEO URL's. I recently ran
into a component called OpenSEF which uses article-names and
article-groups in URL, and it would be great in any CMS
system. Thanks
Re:Open SEF Component
17 October 2006 19:21
You are absolutely correct and we agree with you. Search engine
friendly URL's are intended to be part of the core package and
there is already some code in place towards this goal. This
feature has been in our tracker since the project began and we
feel it will be an important part of future releases.
Re:Open SEF Component
31 October 2006 11:25
Dear catasoft,
Drake CMS will have the SEF urls feature working
before the first official release; the current plan to achieve
the result is to append title keywords to the querystring, but
any suggestion is welcome, of course!
Re:Open SEF Component
31 October 2006 12:15
Well, i did have an idea. The Joomla OpenSEF uses
Cathegory_name/Article_name (as i heard) in the URL. This is ok,
but not very flexible.... i was thinking about adding a new
text field to the article table. When posting a new article, one
now has to add ArticleName, select Cathegory and the 2 html
boxes. Is it possible to put another TextBox, which would be
labeller "URL Appendix" or something. If empty, Drake should
select the article name with underscore instead of blanks. Also, if in this URL Appendix we could insert forward slashes
/, it would give users TOTAL CONTROL over their URL. Hope
this helps, or at least puts you in a brainstorming mood Take
care Cata
Re:Open SEF Component
01 November 2006 20:09
I like that idea, thank you. Definately worth a look. The only
down side I see to it would be a lack of central control over the
URLs / admin interface.
Re:Open SEF Component
01 November 2006 21:23
Lance wrote: Quote:
I like that idea, thank you. Definately worth a
look. The only down side I see to it would be a lack of central
control over the URLs / admin interface.
true... i had another idea, but it could be wrong since i don't
really know how this whole OpenSEF thing works. In my oppinion,
the only way it can work is to tweak mod_rewrite in Apache, that
is tweak the .htaccess file. So... how about creating a
component, which works in the following way: 1) Lists all
articles in the site, in all cathegories 2) For each one,
allows to set an URL Appendix 3) Has a field called e.g.
"Other .htaccess lines", where one could put extra rules,
conditions, directory index, whatever. 4) Has a "Burn
.htaccess" button which would generate an .htaccess where it would
associate our suggested URL Appendix to an actual classical
"dirty" URL. This feature should only be used mby admin,
and after 100 message boxes with "Are u sure?" messages
This may sound too flexible, but this is how i usually design
my apps, i'm obsessed with flexibility (but sometimes it hits
Take care bye
Re:Open SEF Component
03 November 2006 12:17
only way it can work is to tweak mod_rewrite in
Its just an observation but not
everyone uses Apache as a web server, and those who do may not
have enabled mod_rewrite for very good reasons.
Personally, I don't think it would be wise to build in a
dependancy on the web server.
Re:Open SEF Component
04 November 2006 14:14
andieb wrote: Quote:
.....the only way it can work is to tweak
mod_rewrite in Apache......
Its just an
observation but not everyone uses Apache as a web server, and
those who do may not have enabled mod_rewrite for very good
Personally, I don't think it would be wise to
build in a dependancy on the web server.
I concur.
to CataSoft: the latest Drake CMS
is already using URL appendices automatically generated from the
title of content items, weblinks, search results etc. It would be
easy to also add the category...maybe in later releases? I'd like
first to test the current SEF efficiency, so please tell me if
the feature is enough SEF!
Re:Open SEF Component
06 November 2006 08:18
With the various web host options people use
I think having the user edit any .htaccess file by hand is the
best bet and safer. Most anyone concerned with SEF URLs will
either know how to do it or be very willing to learn. My biggest
fear with an automated process like that would be that somewhere
along the line some one will blow up their site entirely and have
no idea what to do.
Re:Open SEF Component
09 November 2006 09:09
Hey guys
Please tell me what this means: "search
engine friendly (SEF) urls for content items"... does it
mean Drake doesn't take cathegories into consideration for the SE
Friendly links? thanks
Re:Open SEF Component
11 November 2006 05:18
Not at all, what we would like to achieve is to have content
items show up with a more descriptive name instead of a number
like so many SEF URL systems use. Again this is one of those
items we truly would like to address from the ground up with the
project. Most other systems have these functions as an add on
instead of being part of the core system. Keep the feed back and
comments coming. Thanks!
Very shy keyword rich URL in current version :(
11 November 2006 10:56
I played with Drake a little bit and noticed it does no longer
support the Limbo-style friendly(er) URL, u know the kind: with
slashes: is that because u
intend to do it right from the first time? At the moment, the
only URL feature i noticed was adding the words in the Article
Titles to the URL, separated by a + sign. I'm still waiting
for a release which will also take Cathegory title into
consideration, with URL like: Cathegory/Article_name, or even
Section/Cathegory/Article_name... this would be a very keyword
rich URL.
I use limbo now for a site i manage, and
this is why i am so interested in this feature, cause right now i
use the old Limbo Friendly URL, the shashed ones. I am also
interested in drake for more commercial sites, and this feature
is quite important.
Thanks Cata
Re:Very shy keyword rich URL in current version :(
12 November 2006 05:14
Yes, I think underscores should be the default for Drakes SEF
URLs. This feature is one that will be part of the core. As such
it is very important that we consider as many options as possible
and how users can manage their URLs. It may take some time before
we are satisied by he methods used and user feedback will be
critical for this because we definately want to get this one
right from the start. With many other content systems SEF URLs
were either an after thought or an add on, we intend to avoid
that in our first production release. Thanks again for your