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Home page > Feature Requests > Function for removing a complete Drake CMS instala Permanent link to this page
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Function for removing a complete Drake CMS instala
20 July 2006 09:58
Anonymous Hi,

I miss a function that gives the possibility of removing a Drake inst. completly. When selection a program like Drake CMS I belive that most people makes a test instalation to see how things work (I did twice) and when they have "everything under control" they need to remove the test inst. completely. Databse, components etc.

Regards ULKLI cool
Re:Function for removing a complete Drake CMS inst
31 October 2006 11:42
Anonymous You mean an "auto-destruction" feature? Like removing the drake cms folder?
Re:Function for removing a complete Drake CMS inst
31 October 2006 16:47
Anonymous Hey,

Yes, that is excatly what I have in mind. cool
Re:Function for removing a complete Drake CMS inst
04 November 2006 14:16
Anonymous ermm Uhm..can't you delete the folder at hand?

I fear it would be a nuclear security bomb if implemented as a feature...
Re:Function for removing a complete Drake CMS inst
05 November 2006 10:17
Anonymous sad Nope - not possible to do on that host I'm using currently.

But if you consider it as a security issue I suggest you forget it .I find a nother way around this problem.

Re:Function for removing a complete Drake CMS inst
05 November 2006 11:52
Anonymous So if you cannot delete the folder via FTP you can use the following PHP script "delall.php":


define('_VALID', 1);

include 'admin/includes/admin_functions.php';


BE AWARE!! It will delete any file/folder in the script's folder!
Re:Function for removing a complete Drake CMS inst
05 November 2006 14:16
Anonymous cool Thanks I will try that a.s.a.p.