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Home page > Feature Requests > Custom pages? Permanent link to this page
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Custom pages?
27 March 2007 03:36
Anonymous It would be great to create custom pages from the admin panel.
Just a ordinary guy from sweden...
Re:Custom pages?
27 March 2007 17:04
Anonymous Ehm...what kind of custom pages? You mean static pages?

A static pages wizard will be implemented very soon
Re:Custom pages?
27 March 2007 21:55
Anonymous legolas558 wrote:
Ehm...what kind of custom pages? You mean static pages?

A static pages wizard will be implemented very soon

Yes, i meant static pages. sideways
Just a ordinary guy from sweden...
Re:Custom pages?
28 March 2007 17:14
Anonymous Monitor this feature tracker:

http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1676191 &...

As soon as the feature is implemented it will be closed smile
Re:Custom pages?
28 March 2007 22:14
Anonymous legolas558 wrote:
Monitor this feature tracker:

http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1676191 &...

As soon as the feature is implemented it will be closed smile

Great! I''m really looking forward to this. w00t
Just a ordinary guy from sweden...
Re:Custom pages?
07 April 2007 12:37
Anonymous Any news on this? cool
Just a ordinary guy from sweden...
Re:Custom pages?
07 April 2007 14:40
Anonymous Not yet...but will be implemented very soon