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Home page > General Discussion > slovak translation Permanent link to this page
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slovak translation
01 March 2007 15:28
Anonymous Hello,

i working on slovak translation. i have 80% done.
Re:slovak translation
02 March 2007 09:07
Anonymous i would like to be an official translator for slovak. my sourceforge account name is rasto_s
i have 100% done of frontend and 50% done of backend.
Re:slovak translation
02 March 2007 16:02
Anonymous Hello Norton, I have just assigned you the translation and created the SVN repository folder

https://drakecms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/drakecms/i18n/slova k...

You have write permission on it.

What version of Drake CMS are you using? It is important to keep the language files updated vs. Drake CMS itself, read the wiki about this.

Thank you! cheerful
Re:slovak translation
02 March 2007 20:46
Anonymous Hello,
i working on translate since first alpha version was released(also i made translate for mabo/joomla etc. cool .). now i using v0.3.5_beta_rev1787.
Re:slovak translation
05 March 2007 11:33
Anonymous Really? Wow, so you are one of the few alpha-users? smile Nice to meet you

Since you have already translated for other cousin CMSes I am sure you are enough expert on the process, however if you need clarifications or better have suggestions or ideas, please tell us so that we can improve Drake CMS!

The version you are working on is the latest released, if you have already read the related wiki pages you should just subscribe and read about the translators mailing list

Welcome aboard!