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Home page > General Discussion > Use documents as Items? Permanent link to this page
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Use documents as Items?
20 February 2007 15:53
Anonymous Hi all,

my Q is: can I use documents (pdf, ppt, doc, xls) as Items? or can I have an html file as Item and links in it to other documents?
Re:Use documents as Items?
20 February 2007 21:30
Anonymous You could have files ie docs, pdf etc available to users from the download component or put a link to them in a content or news item...

You could also make a menu item that links to a file or use the wrapper function.

Making a doc/pdf a content item is not possible in my limited experience

Hope this helps....

aka trex1512
Re:Use documents as Items?
21 February 2007 17:01
Anonymous As P.Engee explained, you can use a "wrapper" on your document and have it displayed in the main content area as if it was a content item.

Making a wrapper means you will have to create an XHTML page with the proper <object> tag for embedding the specific file; this XHTML page will then be rendered into an <iframe> tag automatically by the wrapper