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Home page > General Discussion > Show on frontpage by default? Permanent link to this page
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Show on frontpage by default?
29 January 2007 23:08
Anonymous Hi there, when i make news i want the "Show on frontpage" option to be "yes" by default so that always going to show on frontpage, i can change the code if you tell me where and how do i do it? pinch
Re:Show on frontpage by default?
30 January 2007 13:43
Anonymous Change line 91 of components/content/com_content/content.php to
$conn->Execute("INSERT INTO dk_content (title,title_alias,introtext,bodytext,sectionid,".
"catid,created,modified,created_by,created_by_alias,published,ord ering,".
"metakey,metadesc,frontpage) ".
" VALUES ('$content_title','$content_title','$content_introtext','$content _bodytext',".
"$content_secid,$content_catid,'$time','$time',$my->id,'$my-&g t;username',$content_published,$order,".
$order = $easydb->neworder("content_frontpage");
$content_id = $conn->Insert_ID();
$conn->Execute("INSERT INTO dk_content_frontpage (id,ordering) VALUES ($content_id,$order)");

Good luck! wink
Re:Show on frontpage by default?
30 January 2007 14:42
Anonymous i did it wrong or doesn't work, anyways i'm also interested to do this on Limbo if you can help me blush

Re:Show on frontpage by default?
30 January 2007 14:56
Anonymous I did not try the snippet I sent you, but with a few edits I am sure it would be working.

Aren't you able to do it? unsure You'd have to replace line 91 with the code I gave you, plus eventually declaring the global $easydb if it is not declared
Re:Show on frontpage by default?
30 January 2007 15:19
Anonymous the problem is that i don't know anything about php or sql, can you edit the code for me?

i think limbo it's the same so maybe i can figure it out if you help me first ermm