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Home page > Templates > Templates conversion tool Permanent link to this page
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Templates conversion tool
20 November 2006 00:40
Anonymous I have just created an automated template conversion tool located at:

Download templateconv.php

An online webservice will soon be available, meanwhile you will have to run the script locally.

The script does not yet check for CSS styles, you will have to check them manually using the CSS conventions

Please report here any issues.
Re:Templates conversion tool
15 December 2006 15:09
Anonymous don't seems to work, i'm trying to convert 247shock_blue_limbo.

how do i use it? pinch
Re:Templates conversion tool
15 December 2006 17:05
Anonymous Well..it is a unhandy tool at the moment, you will have to run it from the template's index.php's folder, then save the raw output as the new index.php.

You will not see the template showing correctly because there have been important changes to the CSS, jcauble is working on a similar tool for the CSS; unfortunately I cannot help you with the CSS editing, you'd have to look into the 247extender to understand how to edit it sad
Re:Templates conversion tool
15 December 2006 17:33
Anonymous Edit the css it's a lot of hard work, i better wait for jcauble's tool whistling