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Home page > Templates > Template guide? Permanent link to this page
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Template guide?
01 March 2007 15:30
Anonymous It would be great with a template guide on how to create or integrate other templates for drake cms. wink
Just a ordinary guy from sweden...
Re:Template guide?
02 March 2007 16:05
Anonymous I have added the request for such guide, it will soon be written on the wiki

http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1672570 &...
Re:Template guide?
09 March 2007 00:53
Anonymous legolas558 wrote:
I have added the request for such guide, it will soon be written on the wiki

http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1672570 &...
Ok, great.. Thanks! cool

Now we can only hope that someone would and could write a good and easy guide for us newbies.
Just a ordinary guy from sweden...